Promoting education and achievement of adults learning English
Professional Development Workshops
CAL’s adult ESL staff provides workshops for practitioners across the country, in face to face and online formats. CAL has many years of experience developing and delivering professional development workshops and courses. All of our professional development offerings are based on research and can be tailored to meet your professional development needs. CAL also helps programs work effectively within the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) with a focus on English language instruction, civics instruction, and workforce preparation.
Workshop Topics
Click on the arrow icon to learn more about workshops provided on these key topics:
- Adult second language acquisition
- Communicative strategies for working with adult English language learners
- Creating print and web material for Low-literacy
readers - Cultural diversity and language learning: Developing and implementing culturally responsive instruction
- English for civic life: Designing and delivering effective EL/Civics instruction
- English that works: Designing and delivering workforce ESL instruction
- Promoting adult English learner success in high school equivalency testing
- Promoting success in the multilevel classroom
- Standards-based instruction for adult English
learners - Teaching adult English language learners at beginning language and literacy levels
Workshop Formats
Workshops can be conducted in a variety of formats, including partial-, single-, or multi-day opportunities; can be delivered face to face, online, or in a combination of the two; or can be an online course taken over time. After formal sessions end, work and learning can continue through a website, email groups, or study groups.
- Introductory Workshops
½ or 1-day workshops provide an introduction to a key issue in the field of education for adults learning English. They include an overview of the instructional focus (e.g., working with multilevel classes, culturally responsive instruction), a brief review of the research and evidence supporting instructional approaches in this area, opportunities to discuss the approaches presented, and resources and tools to use in instruction. - Workshop series:
In a series of workshops focused on a specific topic, participants explore a topic or series of topics, learn abut instructional strategies related to the topics(s) and research supporting those strategies, apply what they have learned in their classes, and reflect together on what they have accomplished and their next steps. We will work with you to determine appropriate topics and time frames for workshop series. These can take place in a variety of formats depending on the needs and resources of the state, region, or program.
For example:
- A one-day face-to-face workshop might be followed by work online for a time period (e.g., 2 weeks or 1 month), followed by a second face-to-face workshop, followed by online discussion and submission of a final project.
- A one-day Webinar might take the same configuration, so that participants do not meet in one location but participate online.
Contact Us
CAL staff will work with you to customize our services to meet your special requirements and budget.
For more information:
Call: 202-362-0700