SIOP in Adult Education

Adult ESL Newsletter Photo

CAL offers professional development in the SIOP Model® for adult learner contexts. Validated by research, the SIOP Model is currently being used in adult education classes in which academic language and content are taught concurrently.

Visit the CAL SIOP website for more information or email the CAL SIOP team.


Promoting education and achievement of adults learning English


CAL knows the challenges faced by teachers, trainers, and program administrators working with adult English language learners. We draw on our decades of experience to provide a variety of services needed by practitioners seeking to improve the quality of instruction offered to adults learning English. CAL also helps programs work effectively within the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) with a focus on English language instruction, civics instruction, and workforce preparation.

We focus on developing and delivering professional development, technical assistance, and resources for teachers, program administrators, and teacher trainers seeking to promote educational opportunities for and success of adults learning English. A core element of all of our professional development opportunities is a focus on understanding the implications of research for instructional practice. A list of our services is outlined below. We also focus of key topics in instruction for adult English language learners. Click on each topic to the right to learn more.

CAL's services include the following:

Professional development workshops
CAL staff provide professional development workshops for ½ day, one day, and across weeks and months. Workshops and courses are tailored to meet the needs of a program or state.  Learn more.

Training, coaching, and mentoring teachers and teacher trainers
CAL staff work with teachers and teacher trainers to implement instructional practices, reflect on their implementation, and document their effectiveness.

Designing professional development materials
CAL staff work with teachers, teacher trainers, and program administrators to develop and use materials that can be used in professional development sessions.

Developing curricula and instructional approaches
CAL staff develop curricula and instructional approaches to be used with adult English language learners in many different types of programs.

Supporting states and programs in professional development planning and capacity building
CAL staff work with state, regional, and program teams to plan, implement, and evaluate the effectiveness of professional development and develop plans for long-term sustainability.

Reviewing and evaluating programs
CAL staff carry out reviews and evaluations of programs serving adult ELLs to increase program effectiveness.

Contact Us
CAL staff will work with you to customize our services to meet your special requirements and budget.

For more information:
Call: 202-362-0700


Working with WIOA

WIOA Photo

CAL Solutions helps programs work effectively within the guidelines of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).

Contact us.

Visit the WIOA website.



Professional Development Workshops

Teacher and students in science class
Click on each topic to learn more.

Resource Corner

Our professional development and technical assistance services are based on key foundational resources that include

Browse our resource section to learn more.