Bibliography of Two-Way Immersion Research Literature

Section 7: Program Profiles and Evaluations

Acosta, B. D. (2005). The influence of literacy instructional practices on the achievement of English language learners in two-way bilingual education programs. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA.

Ahlgren, P. (1993). La Escuela Fratney [The Fratney School]. Reflections on a Bilingual, Anti-Bias, Multicultural Elementary School. Teaching Tolerance, 2(2), 26-31.

Alanís, I. (1998). A Descriptive Analysis of a Texas Two-Way Bilingual Program and its Effects on Fifth-Grade Academic and Linguistic Achievement. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Texas, Austin, TX.

Alanís, I. (2000). A Texas Two-way Bilingual Program: Its Effects on Linguistic and Academic Achievement. Bilingual Research Journal, 24(3), 225-248.

Amrein, A., & Peña, R. A. (2000). Asymmetry in Dual Language Practice: Assessing Imbalance in a Program Promoting Equality. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 8(8), available:

Armendáriz, A. L., & Armendáriz, E. J. (2002). An Administrative Perspective of a Two-Way Bilingual Immersion Program. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1).

Baecher, R. (1989). Links Between Bilingualism, Achievement, and Psychosocial Classroom Environment among Bilingual and Monolingual Students. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association, San Francisco, CA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 310629).

Baecher, R. E., & Coletti, C. D. (1988). Two-Way Bilingual Program Effects. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the National Association for Bilingual Education, Houston, TX. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 295477).

Blanchette, J. A. (1994). On the Same Floor: A Sociolinguistic Study of a Two-Way Bilingual Program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, City University of New York.

Blankenship, J. (2002). The Gift of Two Languages: A Spanish Immersion Program Brings Government Hill Elementary Back from the Brink. Northwest Education, 8(1), 34-39.

Blezard, R. (2002, Fall 2002). A Pearl of a School: Oyster Elementary has a lot to teach its students--and education reformers everywhere. Ford Foundation Report, 6-11.

Bureau of Equal Educational Opportunity. (1990). Two-Way Integrated Bilingual Education. Quincy, MA: Massachusetts State Department of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 319859).

Calderón, M., & Slavin, R. (2001). Success for All in a Two-Way Immersion School. In D. Christian & F. Genesee (Eds.), Bilingual Education (pp. 27-40). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc.

Castro Feinberg, R. (1999). Administration of Two-Way Bilingual Elementary Schools: Building on Strength. Bilingual Research Journal, 23(1).

Cazabon, M., Lambert, W. E., & Hall, G. (1993). Two-way bilingual education: A progress report on the Amigos program (Research Report 7). Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, DC: National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning.

Cazabon, M., Nicoladis, E., & Lambert, W. E. (1998). Becoming bilingual in the Amigos two-way immersion program (Research Report 3). Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, DC: Center for Research on Education, Diversity & Excellence.

Cazabon, M. T. (2000). The Use of Students' Self-Reporting in the Evaluation of the Amigos Two-Way Language Immersion Program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Massachusetts, Boston, MA.

Chicago Board of Education. (1991). Dual Language Immersion Program Models Elementary School. Chicago: Chicago Board of Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 357631).

Christian, D., Howard, E. R., & Loeb, M. I. (2000). Bilingualism for All: Two-Way Immersion Education in the United States. Theory Into Practice, 39(4), 258-266.

Christian, D., Montone, C., Lindholm, K., & Carranza, I. (1997). Profiles in two-way immersion education. McHenry, IL: Delta Systems.

Clark, E. R., Flores, B. B., Riojas-Cortez, M., & Smith, H. L. (2002). You Can’t Have a Rainbow Without a Tormenta: A Description of an IHE’s Response to a Community Need for a Dual-Language School. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1).

Correia, M. G. (2004). Early literacy development in a first grade two-way immersion classroom: The weekend report as a way of developing sociocultural literacy. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley.

Coy, S., & Litherland, L. (2000). From a Foreign Language Perspective: A Snapshot View of a Dual Language Program in Two Inner-City High Poverty Elementary Schools. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 446450).

Craig, B. A. (1995). Two-Way Foreign Language Immersion Programs: A handbook for parents and teachers. Arlington, VA. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 384239).

Cruz, G. I. (2000). Learning in two languages: A case study of a two-way bilingual education program at the middle school. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, State University of New York, Albany, NY.

Davy, L. (2001). Developing a Dual-Language Program. Here's How, 20(1), 1-4.

de Jong, E. J. (2002). Brophy School: A Portrait of Success. NABE News, 25(6), 13-16.

de Jong, E. J. (2002). Effective Bilingual Education: From Theory to Academic Achievement in a Two-Way Bilingual Program. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1).

Dumais, C. (2005). Teachers' perceptions of successful English language development practices: A study of program delivery models, instruction and support services at two high performing two-way immersion elementary schools. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA.

Ernest, H. M., & Gonzalez, R. M. (1996). Sanchez and Metz Elementary Schools: Dos Idiomas, Un Mundo Dual Language Project Title VII First-Year Evaluation Report, 1995-96. Austin, TX: Austin Independent School District, TX. Dept. of Accountability, Student Services, and Research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 408844).

Fern, V. (1995). Oyster School Stands the Test of Time. Bilingual Research Journal, 19(3-4), 497-512.

Fitts, S. (2006). Reconstructing the Status Quo: Linguistic Interaction in a Dual-Language School. Bilingual Research Journal, 30(2), 337-365.

Freeman, R. D. (1994). Language Planning and Identity Planning: An Emergent Understanding. Working Papers in Educational Linguistics, 10(1), 1-20.

Freeman, R. D. (1995). Equal educational opportunity for language minority students: From policy to practice at Oyster bilingual school. Issues in Applied Linguistics, 6(1), 39-63.

Freeman, R. D. (1996). Dual-Language Planning at Oyster Bilingual School: "It's Much More Than Language". TESOL Quarterly, 30(3), 557-582.

Freeman, R. D. (1998). Bilingual Education and Social Change. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters, Ltd.

Garcia, Y. (2003). Korean/English two-way immersion at Cahuenga Elementary School. NABE News, 26, 8-11,25.

Green, F., Spivey, S. P., Ferris, L., Bernal, E. M., & Izquierdo, E. (2010). Our diversity, our treasure: Connecting Worlds/Mundos Unidos Gifted and Talented Dual Language Immersion Program. In J. A. Castellano & A. D. Frazier (Eds.), Special populations in gifted education: Understanding our most able students from diverse backgrounds. (pp. 287-303). Waco, TX US: Prufrock Press.

Houston Independent School District. (1996). Compartiendo Culturas/Sharing Cultures: A Title VII Two-Way Bilingual Program at Herod Elementary School 1995-96. Research Report on Educational Grants. Houston, TX: Houston Independent School District, TX. Dept. of Research and Evaluation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 405443).

Houston Independent School District. (1996). El Proyecto Cunningham: Dos Idiomas; Muchos Paises, 1995-96 (The Cunningham Project: Two Languages, Many Countries, 1995-96). Research Report on Educational Grants. Houston, TX: Houston Independent School District, TX. Dept. of Research and Evaluation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 405439).

Houston Independent School District. (1996). Title VII Enhancement Project for Compartiendo Culturas/Sharing Cultures 1995-96. Research Report on Educational Programs. Houston, TX: Houston Independent School District, TX. Dept. of Research and Evaluation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 405449).

Howard, E. R. (2002). The Alicia Chacón International School: Portrait of an exemplary two-way immersion program. NABE News, 25(6), 19-22,42-43.

Howard, E. R. (2002). Two-Way Immersion: A Key to Global Awareness. Educational Leadership, 60(2), 62-64.

Howard, E. R., & Sugarman, J. (2007). Realizing the vision of two-way immersion: Fostering effective programs and classrooms. Washington, DC and McHenry, IL: Center for Applied Linguistics and Delta Systems, Co.

Howard, E. R., Sugarman, J., & Christian, D. (2003). Trends in Two-Way Immersion Education: A Review of the Research (Report No. 63). Baltimore, MD: Center for Research on the Education of Students Placed At Risk.

Kirk Senesac, B. V. (2002). Two-Way Bilingual Immersion: A Portrait of Quality Schooling. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1).

Lambert, W. E., & Cazabon, M. (1994). Students' views of the Amigos program (Research Report 11). Santa Cruz, CA and Washington, DC: National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning.

Lambert, W. E., & Tucker, G. R. (1972). Bilingual education of children: The St. Lambert experiment. Rowley, MA: Newbury House.

Lara-Alecio, R., Galloway, M., Irby, B. J., Rodríguez, L., & Gómez, L. (2004). Two-Way Immersion Bilingual Programs in Texas. Bilingual Research Journal, 28(1), 35-54.

Liberty, P., & Gonzalez, R. M. (1997). Dos Idiomas, Un Mundo Dual Language Project Title VII Third-Year Evaluation Report, 1997-98 (Publication Number 97 21). Austin, TX: Austin Independent School District, TX. Office of Program Evaluation. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 434161).

Lindholm, K., & Fairchild, H. (1988). Evaluation of an "Exemplary" Bilingual Immersion Program (Technical Report TR13). Los Angeles, CA: University of California. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 307820).

Lindholm, K., & Fairchild, H. H. (1990). Evaluation of an Elementary School Bilingual Immersion Program. In A. Padilla, H. Fairchild & C. Valadez (Eds.), Bilingual Education: Issues and strategies (pp. 126-136). Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications.

Lunney, M. (2001). Two-Way French Immersion in Rural Maine. The ACIE Newsletter, 5(1), 4-5.

Milian, M., & Pearson, V. (2005). Students with visual impairments in a dual-language program: A case study. Journal of Visual Impairment & Blindness, 99(11), 715-720.

Montague, N. S., Marroquin, C., & Lucido, F. (2002). A Dual Language Curriculum for Young Children. In J. Cassidy & S. D. Garrett (Eds.), Early Childhood Literacy: Programs & Strategies To Develop Cultural, Linguistic, Scientific and Healthcare Literacy for Very Young Children & their Families, 2001 Yearbook. Corpus Christi, TX: CEDER.

Montes, L. M. (2005). The implementation and evaluation of a professional development school: Two-way immersion teachers investigate why native English speakers outperform English learners via participation in lesson study. Unpublished 3180445, University of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Mora, J. K., Wink, J., & Wink, D. (2001). Dueling Models of Dual Language Instruction: A Critical Review of the Literature and Program Implementation Guide. Bilingual Research Journal, 25(4), 417-442.

Morison, S. H. (1990). A Spanish-English Dual-Language Program in New York City. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, 508, 160-169.

National Center for Research on Cultural Diversity and Second Language Learning. (1994). Two-Way Bilingual Education Programs in Practice: A National and Local Perspective (ERIC Digest EDO-FL-95-03). Washington, DC: ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics. Available:

Núñez, M. A. (1994). Corima: A Bilingual Experiment in the Tarahumara Region in the State of Chihuahua, Mexico How Does It Measure against Transitional Bilingual Programs in the United States? Washington, DC: Center for International Education. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 398107).

Palmer, D. (2007). A dual immersion strand programme in California: Carrying out the promise of dual language education in an English-dominant context. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, 10(6), 752-768.

Park, M. J. (2005). The experience of English speaking children in Two-Way Immersion Spanish Time. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ.

Peña, R. A. (1998). A Case Study of Parental Involvement in a Conversion from Transitional to Dual Language Instruction. Bilingual Research Journal, 22(2-4), 237-259.

Pérez, B. (2004). Becoming biliterate: A study of two-way bilingual immersion education. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.

Perron, J. C. (2004). A case study of the implementation of a bilingual two-way immersion program in a school district in Oregon. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA.

Potowski, K. (2007). Language and identity in a dual immersion school. Clevedon, England: Multilingual Matters.

Reyes, S. A. (1998). "!Mami, yo toque una mariposa!":  An alternative to linguistic and cultural loss. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of Illinois, Chicago.

Reyes, S. A. (2007). Beetles and butterflies: Language and learning in a dual language classroom. Journal of Latinos & Education, 6(1), 81-92.

Rhodes, N. C., Christian, D., & Barfield, S. (1997). Innovations in Immersion: The Key School Two-Way Model. In R. K. Johnson & M. Swain (Eds.), Immersion Education: International Perspectives (pp. 265-283). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Rubinstein-Avila, E. (2002). Problematizing the "Dual" in a Dual-Immersion Program: A Portrait. Linguistics and Education, 13(1), 65-87.

Schauber, H. (1995). The Second Language Components in a Two-Way Bilingual Education Program. Bilingual Research Journal, 19(3-4), 483-495.

Sheriff, S. (2007). Nuestros Amigos. Teaching Pre K-8 Magazine, 37(7), 46-47.

Smith, P. H., & Arnot-Hopffer, E. (1998). Exito Bilingüe: Promoting Spanish Literacy in a Dual Language Immersion Program. Bilingual Research Journal, 22(2-4), 261-277.

Smith, P. H., Arnot-Hopffer, E., Carmichael, C. M., Murphy, E., Valle, A., González, N., et al. (2002). Raise a Child, Not a Test Score: Perspectives on Bilingual Education at Davis Bilingual Magnet School. Bilingual Research Journal, 26(1).

Snow, M. A. (1986). Innovative Second Language Education: Bilingual Immersion Programs (Educational Report ER1). Los Angeles, CA: University of California Center for Education and Research. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 278258).

Sturke, B. R. (2003). Learning in two languages: Assessing a dual language bilingual kindergarten program. Unpublished doctoral dissertation, Cardinal Stritch University, Milwaukee, WI.

Tucker, G. R., & Crandall, J. (1989). The Integration of Language and Content Instruction for Language Minority and Language Majority Students. Paper presented at the Georgetown University Round Table on Languages and Linguistics, Washington D.C. (ERIC Document Reproduction Service No. ED 305825).

Urow, C., & Sontag, J. (2001). Creating Community--Un Mundo Entero: The Inter-American Experience. In D. Christian & F. Genesee (Eds.), Bilingual Education (pp. 11-26). Alexandria, VA: TESOL, Inc.

Zucker, C. (1995). The role of ESL in a dual language program. The Bilingual Research Journal, 19(3&4), 513-523.


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