11. How far do you think (Child's Name) will go in school?

graphic of unmarked checkbox Plans to finish high school
graphic of unmarked checkbox Will earn high school diploma or GED
graphic of unmarked checkbox Will earn high school diploma and then complete vocational, trade, or business school, or military service
graphic of unmarked checkbox Will complete at least one year of college
graphic of unmarked checkbox Will earn a college degree
graphic of unmarked checkbox Will earn a professional degree (Law, Veterinarian, MD) or graduate degree (Master's, Doctorate)
graphic of unmarked checkbox I don't know

12. Child's Elementary School Experience

Interviewer Instructions: (If the parent said in question #3 that the child did not attend elementary school, indicate "Does not Apply" for each item below and end the session. Read the following statements and check the responses.) If (Child's Name) attended elementary school last school year, did you go to (Child's name) elementary school for any of the following reasons?

For a conference or informal talk with (Child's Name)
teacher, director, or principal.............................................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To observe classroom activities .........................................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To attend a school event in which (Child's Name)
participated, such as a play, art show, party .......................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To attend after-school programs, such as crafts or music ....graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To meet with a parent-teacher organization, such as PTA......graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To attend a parent advisory committee meeting ..................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To volunteer in the school office, cafeteria, or library.............graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To volunteer in (Child's Name) classroom............................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
To volunteer for school project or a school trip ...................graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox Does Not Apply
For other reasons (specify): _____________________________________________________

Interviewer Instructions: Thank you for your assistance in helping us plan the most appropriate educational program for you and (Child's name).

(Adapted from NCFL, 2004a; NCFL, 2004b; & NCFL, 2004c. Used with permission.)