Do you know where the public library is located?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No
Do you or does anyone else in your household have a library card?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No
Have you visited the library?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No (If no, skip to question #7)
How many times in a month do you visit a public library? _______________________________
Do you have (Child's Name) along when you visit the library?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No

7. Your Child's Activities

Interviewer Instructions: (If the response to the first question is "zero" skip to question #8)

Please tell me how many hours (Child's Name) watches television each day. _____ hours
What television programs does (Child's Name) usually watch? ____________________________
What are the languages used in the television programs that (Child's Name) watches? ___________
graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both English and Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Other Language ______________

8. In the past week, how many times did you or someone in your family read to (Child's Name)?
graphic of unmarked checkbox Not at all  graphic of unmarked checkbox Once or twice  graphic of unmarked checkbox Three or more times  graphic of unmarked checkbox Every day

What language is used when reading to (Child's Name)?
graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both English and Spanish
graphic of unmarked checkbox Another Language (Specify):_________________  graphic of unmarked checkbox Unable to read to my child

9. Last week, did anyone in your family do any of the following things with (Child's Name)?

graphic of unmarked checkbox Tell him/her a story
graphic of unmarked checkbox Teach him/her letters, words, numbers
graphic of unmarked checkbox Teach him/her songs or music
graphic of unmarked checkbox Talk with him/her about family history, family culture or ethnic heritage

10. In the past year, did anyone in your family do any of the following things with (Child's Name)?

graphic of unmarked checkbox Visit a zoo or aquarium
graphic of unmarked checkbox Visit a local park, playground, gym, or swimming pool
graphic of unmarked checkbox Go to an event sponsored by a community group, ethnic group or religious organization
graphic of unmarked checkbox Go to a live show, concert, or play