5. Personal Learning Goals

Interviewer Instructions: (Read the following explanation to the parent.) Listed below are some statements concerning goals that adults have given that describe what they hope to get out of attending a family literacy program. Listen to the items in the list and tell me which two goals are most important to you.

I want to accomplish the following two goals:

graphic of unmarked checkbox Get a paying job or a better job.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Earn a GED certificate or earn a high school diploma.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Work toward enrolling in a job train ing or higher education program.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Improve my English speaking, writing and reading skills.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Work toward U.S. citizenship.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Become a better parent.
graphic of unmarked checkbox Be with adults with similar needs.
graphic of unmarked checkbox I have other reasons for enrolling (describe): _______________________________________

6. Literacy Activities in the Home and in the Community

Interviewer Instructions: (Please read the following list to the parent and check the appropriate box.) I am going to mention a list of some things that people may read. When you hear them, please tell me if you read the materials every week and in what language.

Advertisements received in the mail.   graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Letters, bills ................................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Coupons......................................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Labels on food, cooking recipes......... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Religious materials .......................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Instructions and papers at work........ graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Bus schedules................................. graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Street signs, bus signs ................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Newspapers.................................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Television listings or TV Guide .......... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Magazines....................................... graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both
Books ............................................ graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Both