graphic of unmarked checkbox Attended some college, no degree
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed 2-year Associate's degree
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed 4-year Bachelor's degree
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed Graduate degree (Master's, Professional, or Doctorate)

Where did you go to school and complete the education mentioned above?
graphic of unmarked checkbox In the United States
graphic of unmarked checkbox In another country (Specify): __________________________________________________

What is the main reason for leaving school when you did? _______________________________


2. How did you learn about the family literacy program?


3. Information about Child to be Enrolled

Full Name of Child: ___________________________________________________________
Child's Date of Birth: _______________  Gender:  graphic of unmarked checkbox Male  graphic of unmarked checkbox Female
Is (Child's Name) enrolled in grade school now?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No In what grade? _____

Child's education before attending grade school:
graphic of unmarked checkbox Head Start  graphic of unmarked checkbox Title I Preschool  graphic of unmarked checkbox Other Preschool  graphic of unmarked checkbox Infant/Toddler Program
graphic of unmarked checkbox Kindergarten  graphic of unmarked checkbox 1st grade  graphic of unmarked checkbox 2nd grade

Information about Work and Family Activities

Interviewer Instructions: Please tell me about your work situation. (Read each category to the parent before asking for a response. Check one)

4. Work Situation

graphic of unmarked checkbox You are currently employed.
graphic of unmarked checkbox You are currently not employed, but would like to find work. (If yes, skip to question #5.)
graphic of unmarked checkbox You are currently not employed, and do not plan to seek work. (If yes, skip to question #5.)

How many hours a week do you work? _____
When do you work (hours of the day)?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Day  graphic of unmarked checkbox (8-5)  graphic of unmarked checkbox Evening  graphic of unmarked checkbox Night
graphic of unmarked checkbox Rotating/Swing Shift Are the shift changes always the same?  graphic of unmarked checkbox Yes  graphic of unmarked checkbox No

How long does it take you to go to/from work (one way) each day? Hours_____ Minutes_____
How do you get to work? graphic of unmarked checkbox Your own car  graphic of unmarked checkbox Ride with a friend  graphic of unmarked checkbox Ride the Bus  graphic of unmarked checkbox Walk