Sample II-10: Family Literacy Program Needs Assessment Interview (All Levels)

City:________________________  Site: _________________________________________

Date:________________________ Interviewer: ___________________________________

Information about Parent or Guardian Enrolling

Interviewer Introduction: My name is (Interviewer's Name). With your permission I would like to ask you some questions about you, your background, why you are enrolling in a class, and are enrolling (Child's Name) with you.

Parent and Child Information: First I need to get some general information about you and (Child's Name), such as your address and telephone number. (Fill in information.)

Full Name of Adult:____________________________________________________________

First Name:_________________________  Date of Birth: ____________________________

Address: ____________________________________________________________________

Telephone: ______________  Cell Phone: _________________  E-mail: __________________

Date of Enrollment:_______________  Gender: graphic of unmarked checkbox Male graphic of unmarked checkbox Female

1. Adult Learner Background

Interviewer Instructions: What is your race or ethnicity? (Check all responses given.)

graphic of unmarked checkbox American Indian or Alaskan Native  graphic of unmarked checkbox Asian  graphic of unmarked checkbox Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander
graphic of unmarked checkbox Black or Afro-American  graphic of unmarked checkbox Hispanic or Latino  graphic of unmarked checkbox White  graphic of unmarked checkbox Other:

What is the usual (main) language spoken in your home?  graphic of unmarked checkbox English  graphic of unmarked checkbox Spanish  graphic of unmarked checkbox Other


Interviewer Instructions: What is the highest grade or year of schooling that you completed? (Check one.)

graphic of unmarked checkbox No schooling (skip to question #2)
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed grades 1-8
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed grade 9
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed grade 10
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed grade 11
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed grade 12, but didn't receive a diploma
graphic of unmarked checkbox Completed high school and received a diploma or GED