Leslie Fink

Senior Research Assistant

Leslie Fink is a Senior Research Assistant in CALโ€™s Language Assessment and Instructional Research (LAIR) Division, where she contributes to projects in the areas of world and heritage language instructional research, resource development, and K-12 and adult English assessment development.  She serves as a member of the development team for BEST Plus 3.0 and BEST Literacy 2.0. In addition, she has created resources and provided training for world language teachers as part of the STARTALK Initiative and other projects. She has led the development of K-12 ESL speaking test items as well as research on heritage language education and adult ESL test quality. 

Leslie holds a bachelorโ€™s degree in Linguistics from Dartmouth College. Prior to joining CAL, she worked as a project manager for a translation company and taught English in France.