This archived website provides information and downloadable resources from the Teaching Spanish to Native Spanish Speakers website.
This website is historical in nature and will not be updated.



Digests are short reports that highlight topics of interest. Download our free digests below or browse other collections outlined in the spotlight.


Heritage Spanish Speakers’ Language Learning Strategies
Zennia Hancock
University of Maryland, College Park, October 2002


La crianza de niños bilingües: preocupaciones comunes de los padres y las investigaciones actuales
Kendall King and Lyn Fogle
Georgetown University, February 2009


Selecting Materials to Teach Spanish to Spanish Speakers
Paula Winke, Center for Applied Linguistics, and Cathy Stafford
Georgetown University, May 2002


Spanish for Native Speakers: Developing Dual Language Proficiency
Joy Kreeft Peyton, Vickie W. Lewelling, and Paula Winke
ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, December 2001


Spanish for U.S. Hispanic Bilinguals in Higher Education
Ana Roca
ERIC Clearinghouse on Languages and Linguistics, November 1992


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