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What Teachers Need to Know About Language โ€“ Second Edition

Editors: Carolyn Temple Adger, Catherine E. Snow, and Donna Christian
Published by Multilingual Matters

Rising enrollments of children for whom English is not a first language and children whose first dialect is not Standard American English mean that every teacher is a language teacher, as well as a subject area teacher. 

This book shows what teachers need to know about language to guide teacher education. It focuses on the features of English and language that, if understood by educators, can help them improve their practice, and gives specific examples of the difference this knowledge can make. Research conducted since the first edition has expanded our understanding of academic language, with particular implications for teaching children from diverse communities. The new edition reflects the expanded knowledge base, derived from research on classrooms and curricula, on the pivotal role that language plays in learning and schooling.

The volume will be of interest to teachers, teacher educators, professional development specialists, administrators, and all those interested in learning more about the important role played by language in helping to ensure student success in the classroom and beyond.  2018. 168 pages

Table of Contents โ€“ What Teachers Need to Know About Language, 2nd Edition

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About the Editors

Carolyn Temple Adger is Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics. Catherine E. Snow is the Patricia Albjerg Graham Professor of Education, Harvard University Graduate School of Education. Donna Christian is Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics.

Read the blog post where Catherine Snowexplains how teachers can better support children learning language if they know more about language themselves.

About the CAL Series on Language Education

The books in this series explore a broad range of issues in applied linguistics and language education and are written in a style that is accessible to a broad audience, including those who are new to the field. Each book addresses a topic of relevance to those who are studying or working in the fields of language learning, language instruction, and language assessment, whether in English as a second language or other world languages. Editors โ€“ CAL Series on Language Education: Joel Gรณmez, Terrence G. Wiley, M. Beatriz Arias, and Joy Kreeft Peyton.

Learn more.