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Right from the Start: Enriching Learning Experiences for Multilingual Learners through Multiliteracies

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About this CAL Publication

This position paper examines policies and practices concerning the expansion of literacy to multiliteracies and the subsequent impact on teaching and learning for multilingual learners. In this exploration of multiliteracies, Margo Gottlieb celebrates the linguistic and cultural strengths of multilingual learners and the importance of fostering their agency and empowerment. Additionally, the author reveals how multiliteracies can enhance learning experiences for multilingual learners and provides an insightful evaluation of the Science of Reading.

About the Author

Margo Gottlieb, Ph.D., has always envisioned and advocated for multilingualism as a cornerstone of education. Co-founder and lead developer of WIDA at the Wisconsin Center of Education Research, Margo has been a language teacher and coordinator, bilingual facilitator, director of assessment and evaluation, and domestic/international consultant. Having an extensive range of publications, her latest books include Classroom assessment in multiple languages: A handbook for teachers along with its companion, Assessment in multiple languages: A handbook for school and district leaders (2021), Assessing multilingual learners: A month-to-month guide (2017), and Assessing English language learners: Bridges to equity, 2nd Ed. (2016).

About the Publisher

The Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a nonprofit organization founded in 1959. Headquartered in Washington, DC, CAL has earned an international reputation for its contributions to the fields of bilingual and dual-language education, English as a second language, world languages education, language policy, assessment, immigrant and refugee integration, literacy, dialect studies, and the education of linguistically and culturally diverse adults and children. CALโ€™s mission is to promote language learning and cultural understanding by serving as a trusted resource for research, services, and policy analysis. Through its work, CAL seeks solutions to issues involving language and culture as they relate to access and equity in education and society around the globe.

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Read How Can Multilingual Learners and Their Teachers Make a Difference in Classroom Assessment? by Margo Gottlieb.


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