Publications & Products

National Research Summit on the Early Care and Education of Dual Language Learners

The Heising-Simons and McKnight Foundations awarded funding for a National Research Summit on the Early Care and Education of Dual Language Learners held in Washington DC on October 14-15, 2014.

The goal of the two day summit was to engage and extend the established knowledge base accrued by the Center for Early Care and Educational Research Dual Language Learners (CECER-DLL), while simultaneously informing the future potential efforts by the Heising-Simons and McKnight Foundations specific to the early care and education of dual language learners.

Early Care and Education of Dual Language Learners Publications

The Summit focused on new directions in research, policy and practice and produced a variety of publications, including briefs and commissioned papers.


Administrator Brief
Policy Makers Brief
Policy Thinkers Brief

Parent Brief
Parent Brief โ€“ Arabic
Parent Brief โ€“ Chinese
Parent Brief โ€“ English
Parent Brief โ€“ Hmong
Parent Brief โ€“ Korean
Parent Brief โ€“ Somali
Parent Brief โ€“ Spanish
Parent Brief โ€“ Vietnamese

Teacher Brief
Teacher Brief โ€“ English
Teacher Brief โ€“ Spanish

Commissioned Papers

The Critical Role of Leadership in Programs Designed for DLLs, PreK-3

Human Resources Support for those Serving Young Dual Language Learners

Perspectives on Assessment of DLLs Development & Learning, PreK-Third Grade

Policy Advances & Levers Related to DLLs in PreK-3rd Grade

Research Based on Best Practices for DLLs in PreK-3rd Grade: Instructional Strategies and Language of Instruction Approaches

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