Publications & Products

Consumer Protection Websites โ€“ Free Online Resources

CAL worked with the Bureau of Consumer Protection at the Federal Trade Commission to provide support for the English language consumer protection website and a parallel Spanish language site: /

Browse the websites

Teachers and tutors can use these websites to introduce adults with limited experience as readers and as Internet users to literacy in the digital context. Website topics fall into three main areas:

  • Managing Your Money / Manejar su dinero
  • Credit, Loans, and Debt / Crรฉdito, prรฉstamos y deudas
  • Scams and Identity Theft / Estafas y el robo de identidad 

Materials available for use with the websites

In addition, CAL developed a set of curricular materials that will enable teachers to use the and websites to develop content knowledge and the internet navigation skills of adult learners.

The materials for focus on developing English reading proficiency in both native and non-native speakers of English.

Teaching Basic Literacy and Internet Navigation to Adults
Teaching Emergent Adult Readers
Using College and Career Readiness Standards

The materials for promote development of reading proficiency in Spanish for native speakers with limited educational experience.

Scaffold English Instruction for Native Spanish Speakers

Learn more about the project