
Education Connections

Education Connections is an initiative of the Center for Applied Linguistics funded by three grantsโ€”one from the U.S. Department of Education and two from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Each of the three funded projects provides free professional development for teachers regarding improved implementation of sheltered instructional methods to better meet the needs of English learner students in standards-based, mainstream education settings. Project activities involve teachersโ€™ participation in an online community of educators hosted on the University of Oregonโ€™s ObaVerse platform. Within the virtual space, teachers engage in a range of activities, such as browsing practical resources to use in their classrooms; attending webinars with renowned experts in English learner education; completing courses conveying graduate credits; engaging in discussions with other educators in forums; and receipt and distribution of weekly Tuesdayโ€™s Tips and Fridayโ€™s Fun Facts.

Education Connectionsโ€™ professional development also incorporates face-to-face sessions with participating teachers around topics such as sheltered instruction, newcomer students, culturally and linguistically diverse exceptional (CLDE) students, and teacher leadership skills. All Education Connections projects and activities fundamentally honor and build on teachersโ€™ pedagogical and content area expertise, with the goal of facilitating teacher collaboration, through both informal interaction, as well as more formal teacher leadership responsibilities.

Learn more about the three Education Connections projects on their individual project pages: 

View a video highlighting Education Connectionsโ€™ work with Fitchburg Public Schools in Massachusetts.

About the Project

Funder: U.S. Department of Education and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
September 2013 โ€“ December 2017