
CAL Board of Trustees Announces Search for CAL President

The Board of Trustees for the Center for Applied Linguistics has established a Presidential Search Committee to conduct a comprehensive and inclusive search for CAL’s next leader.

Internally, the major role of the President is to work with the Board of Trustees to manage the opportunities and challenges of public and private sector endeavors. The President is directly assisted in these areas by an executive team that will include the Vice President for Language Education, and the Vice President for Language Assessment. In addition, the President will be assisted in managing administration matters by a Vice President for Administration.

Externally, the President will represent CAL to a wide range of stakeholders and constituencies including academic, government, media, associations, and other organizations in both the public and private sectors. Working with members of the professional community, as well as the Board of Trustees, the President will exercise creativity in developing research and application priorities, nurturing present and future funding sources and partnerships, and developing new markets for CAL research, services, and products.

We seek candidates with the vision and talent to lead our mission-oriented organization in addressing program goals and developing new opportunities for diversification in our activities. Preferred qualifications for this position include a doctoral-level degree in applied linguistics or an allied discipline relevant to CAL’s mission, experience managing a nonprofit organization, and success in obtaining federal and other funding.

Read the vacancy announcement.

Posted On September 19, 2016
Posted On September 19, 2016