Instructional Design Consultant

The Center for Applied Linguistics is seeking an instructional design consultant to advise on and support an online assessment in elementary school science. Multilingual learners are at the center of our work, and we have a strong commitment to accessible design for all learners; we are looking for an individual who has experience in UDL, including accessibility for learners with disabilities and multilingual learners, and who can design online activities that are interactive and engaging.

We are seeking an individual with a broad understanding of current online learning management platforms and their strengths and weaknesses, the ability to translate draft activities into high-quality online classroom activities with accessible graphics and innovative video techniques, and to support and advise on the design of user-facing components of an online data management interface. Prior experience in designing formative classroom assessment is highly desirable. Expressions of interest from consultants who can provide one or all of these services are welcome.

Please provide a summary of relevant experience and a resume to with the subject line “Instructional Design Consultant.” (Please note that emails are automatically routed so it is critical that you use this subject line exactly.)

NOTE: CAL’s recruitment of consultants will follow the same Equal Employment regulations as recruitment for staff and will not discriminate in selection based upon race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, marital status, handicap, or any other reason not related to employment. In fact, CAL welcomes consultant partners who are certified women, minority, or veteran-owned businesses to align with our principles of effective professional development and to serve educators of linguistically and culturally diverse students. In accordance with USCIS regulations, all successful applicants will be required to show proof of their legal right to accept employment in the United States.