How will different stakeholders be affected?
- Foreign Language Assessment Directory
- Understanding Assessment Tutorial
- Heritage Language Assessment Module
- Post-Secondary World Language Assessment Module
- Introduction
- Proficiency
- Placement Testing
- Assessment Plans
- Assessment Plans: The Why
- Assessment Plans: The How
- Aligning Assessment with Instruction
- Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Designing Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Scoring Performance-based Assessment Tasks
- Using Integrated Performance Assessments
- Designing Integrated Performance Assessments
- Intercultural Communicative Competence
- Assessing Intercultural Communication
- Assessing Cultures
- Assessment and Program Articulation
- Summary of Best Practices
- Show What You Know!
- Putting It All Together
- Resources
Tests can be high stakes or low stakes depending on how the test will affect the test-taker or other stakeholders. There are times when one test can be high stakes for one person but low stakes for another. For example, a practice teaching certification test taken by a freshman Bilingual Education major as a class assignment may be low stakes. But for a graduating senior trying to get state licensure, this would be a high-stakes test.
For high-stakes testing, it is particularly important to carefully consider the validity and reliability of a test to ensure that decisions being made are appropriate and adequately supported by evidence from the test.Â