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CAL SIOP Training of Trainers Institute: Foundations
March 9, 2023

March 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd, 2023 | Enhance your Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol (SIOP) Model knowledge to support delivery of effective professional development workshops at your school or district. Please join us for this engaging online version of our CAL SIOP TOT.
This comprehensive and interactive institute is designed to help participants develop and deliver SIOP Model professional development as facilitators in their school or district.
The Foundations institute is designed for those with a basic working knowledge of the SIOP Model through some past SIOP Model workshop attendance, self-study, or classroom implementation. Participants will review the components of the SIOP Model and acquire knowledge and skills to help PreK-12 or adult education teachers better integrate content and language instruction for English learners as Professional Development facilitators.
Based on an interactive flipped classroom model, this cohort will participate in both synchronous and asynchronous online learning. The synchronous portion will entail participants attending 4 4.5-hour live, online sessions. Through an asynchronous, self-paced format, participants will complete online activities that supplement the presentations. They will listen to recorded mini-lectures, read relevant research articles, watch and โcoachโ classroom videos of SIOP lessons, apply what they learn to their coaching plans, and interact with other participants through discussion boards and blog posts. Participants will have the opportunity to meet online with CAL facilitators weekly to discuss best practices in SIOP professional development, network with other PD facilitators from schools around the world, and receive small group coaching from a CAL PD coach.
This is the right strand for those who:
- Have limited, or little experience with the SIOP Model, and would like a review of the eight components and 30 features
- May have attended a SIOP workshop in the past, but would like to prepare to teach others about the SIOP Model
- Are interested in beginning to develop the skills of a SIOP facilitator
- Are available between March 2, โ 23, 2023 to complete approximately 2 hours of self-paced online assignments per week (to include watching videos, reading articles, listening to mini-lectures on SIOP components, and planning for their own PD sessions, etc.).
- Are able to join remote/teleconference sessions on the days and times listed below.
- Note: for the virtual presentation, each participant must have their own device. Multiple individuals on one device will not be accommodated.
Please note: this institute is not intended for those who have extensive knowledge of the SIOP Model. Contact CAL about the SIOP Advanced Strategies or other workshops that we can bring to your school or district. Email CAL with any questions you may have about our offerings.
Self-Paced Content
- Participants will be expected to complete 4 hours of self-paced, asynchronous, work in CALโs Moodle platform
March 2, 2023: 9:30am-12:30pm & 2-3:30pm EST
- Key characteristics and elements of effective SIOP Model professional development workshops
- SIOP Model review with modeling of workshop activities for second language acquisition, SIOP Model overview and research, and the Lesson Preparation component
- Adult learning theory
- PD Planning Time
March 9, 2023: 9:30am-12:30pm & 2-3:30pm EST
- SIOP Model review with modeling of workshop activities for the components of Building Background, Comprehensible Input
- Best practices in virtual learning and PD
- PD Planning Time
March 16, 2023: 9:30am-12:30pm & 2-3:30pm EST
- SIOP Model review with modeling of workshop activities for the components of Strategies and Interaction
- Characteristics of participants and differentiation
- PD Planning Time
March 23, 2023: 9:30am-12:30pm & 2-3:30pm EST
- SIOP Model review with modeling of workshop activities for the components of Practice/Application, Lesson Delivery, and Review & Assessment
- PD Planning Time
- Four 4.5-hour synchronous, mini-workshop sessions, from 9:30am-12:30pm & 2-3:30pm EST on March 6, 9, 16, 23, 2023
- Self-paced, asynchronous content approximately 2 hours per week between March 2nd and March 23rd
- Note: the asynchronous portion will be available for a one year period of time.
- Early bird pricing prior to February 2, 2023: $1,300 per person
- Individual price after February 2, 2023: $1,500/person.
- Send 2 people or more and pay $1,300 each.
- Cost includes 1 trainerโs binder and 2 companion videos. If you would like the physical publications, please register prior to February 2, 2023.
- Register early, as space is limited.
Cost includes the following materials:
- 1 binder, Using the SIOP Model: Professional Development Manual for Sheltered Instruction
- 1 digital video, Learning the SIOP with Viewerโs Guide
- 1 digital video, Demonstrating Comprehensible Input: Mandarin Lesson and trainerโs materials
- Trainerโs handout packet and handout of the PPT
- Links to digital SIOP activities
For timely shipment of physical publications, please register prior to February 2, 2023. Videos will be available electronically.
This Institute will be held online through a combination of interactive online web conferences and through self-paced assignments to be completed in CALโs online learning platform.
Graduate Credit Option
An option for two graduate credits from Trinity Washington University is available for this CAL Institute. The cost is $495. Participants must attend all workshop days and complete an assignment to be distributed during the institute. If you have questions about requirements and registration for the CAL Institute graduate credits, please contact CAL Solutions.
Certificate of Completion
Participants will receive a CAL Certificate of Completion for 28 hours which may be used for continuing education credit.
To reserve your seat for this institute, please complete the online registration process. Please be aware that your seat at the workshop will only be confirmed once payment is received. If you are registering multiple participants, please have the name, title, school, and email addresses available before you begin the registration process. We encourage you to register as soon as possible as many workshops fill up quickly.
Before beginning the registration process, please determine your preferred method of payment (credit card, check, or purchase order). When paying by credit card using the online registration system, your seat will be immediately confirmed, and you will receive a confirmation email upon successful completion of the transaction. CAL accepts American Express, Discover, MasterCard, and VISA. For registrations to be paid by purchase order or check, please note that your seat will be tentatively reserved until payment is received. Once the payment is received, you will receive a confirmation email. There will be a fee of $15.00 for each check returned as uncollectible. Purchase orders should be uploaded directly to the registration system or emailed to payables@cal.org. For payment by check, or to pay for purchase orders, please make the check payable to the Center for Applied Linguistics and mail to: Accounts Receivable, Center for Applied Linguistics, 4646 40th Street NW, Washington, DC 20016.
Cancellation Policy
Registrants: We encourage participants to let CAL know as soon as possible if you do not plan to attend the session. Participants may cancel their registration and receive a full refund up to three (3) weeks prior to the institute start date by sending an email to solutions@cal.org. After that date, no refunds will be available. However, registrants may choose to receive the institute materials by mail, postpone their attendance to a future CAL Institute, or transfer the registration to another individual up to three (3) days prior to the course start date. Contact us to discuss your options.
CAL: CAL reserves the right to cancel an event due to low enrollment or for reasons beyond our control. If we exercise this right, we will refund any registration fees which you have paid in advance. In some instances, registrants may have the option to transfer their registration to another event.
Fair Use of Materials
Individuals who have completed CAL trainings and workshops have permission from CAL to use materials in the course of providing professional development to educators in their school or school districts. These materials cannot be used to deliver fee-based services. Email CAL if you have questions about the use of CAL materials.
If you have questions, please contact us via email at solutions@cal.org or call 202-362-0700, Monday-Friday, 9 am โ 5 pm Eastern Time.