IMPORTANT: The Ñandu electronic listserv was archived at 5:00 PM EST on Friday, August 4. The sign-up option will not be available after this date.

This electronic listserv focuses on early foreign language learning and provides community support and interaction.

Ñandu continues to be an active listserv addressing current topics and issues.

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In 2008, one in four elementary schools reported teaching foreign languages.
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National Organizations

American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
ACTFL, the national umbrella organization for foreign language professionals, is dedicated to promoting the study of foreign languages and cultures as an integral component of American education and society. The LLC (Language Learning for Children) Special Interest Group, which has over 160 members, promotes and supports early language programs in the U.S.A. through advocacy, networking, and articulation, as well as special professional development activities. For more information, go to the ACTFL website or contact Marcela Summerville or Ana Lomba, the group's current co-chairs.

The American Council on Immersion Education (ACIE)
ACIE is an organizational network for individuals who are interested in immersion education (teachers, administrators, teacher educators, researchers, parents). Resources are a quarterly newsletter, a listserv for immersion teachers, and a yearly summer institute.

Joint National Committee for Languages/ National Council for Languages and International Studies (JNCL/NCLIS)
JNCL is a forum for cooperation and discussion among language professionals. This coaliton of over 60 organizations encompasses virtually all areas of the language profession including the major and less-commonly taught languages (including English and English as a second language), bilingual education, the classics, linguistics, translation, research, and educational technology. JNCL functions as a point of reference for the identification of national needs and the planning of national language policies.

National Network for Early Language Learning (NNELL)
NNELL is an organization for educators involved in teaching foreign languages to children. The mission of the organization is to promote opportunies for all children to develop a high level of competence in at least one language in addition to their own. NNELL provides leadership, support, and service to those committed to early language learning and coordinates efforts to make language learning in programs of excellence a reality for all children. NNELL publishes the journal "Learning Languages" three times a year.

National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL)
NCSSFL is an organization of education agency personnel who have the responsibility of foreign/world language education at the state level. Resources include state requirements in foreign language education, foreign language standards, organizations, and teacher certification.

American Association of Teachers of Arabic (AATA)
The website links to information about Arabic software, language programs, conferences, publications, etc. that are of interest to Arabic teachers.

American Association of Teachers of French (AATF)
AATF, among its other activities, sponsors a French Contest for elementary students. Also, the National FLES* Commission of AATF has long been active in promoting elementary school foreign language instruction and has published a series of useful resources.

American Association of Teachers of German (AATG)
The AATG, with the assistance of funding from the Federal Republic of Germany and in cooperation with the Goethe Institute, has a project entitled, "Kinder Lernen Deutsch" (Children Learning German).

American Association of Teachers of Italian (AATI)
The Association publishes the quarterly journal, Italica, and a twice-yearly Newsletter. It sponsors seminars and workshops in the broad area of Italian studies and holds annual meetings. The website has many links to teaching resources and to regional chapters in Long Island and New Jersey.

American Association of Teachers of Slavic and East European Languages (AATSEEL)
AATSEEL exists to advance the study and promote the teaching of Slavic and East European languages, literatures, and cultures on all educational levels, elementary through graduate school. AATSEEL holds an annual conference in December of each year; its publications include the Slavic and East European Journal (four times a year) and the AATSEEL Newsletter (four times a year) as well as a listserv, SEELANGS, and resources that can be accessed on the website.

American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Sponsored by AATSP, The Sociedad Hispánica de Amistad is an organization specifically for Elementary and Middle School Students and their teachers. The elementary school foreign language column in Hispania entitled, "Teaching in Elementary Schools," gives elementary school Spanish teachers a networking system within their association.

Association of Teachers of Japanese
The association offers K-12 teachers information about study abroad, professional development, access to classroom materials, among others.

American Classical League
The League includes teachers of Latin, Greek, and Classics on elementary, secondary, and college levels. The website links to teaching resources, professional development activities, conferences as well as to the National Junior Classical League which sponsor contests and a pen pal service. in addition, ETC. is a standing committe focusing on classics in elementary and middle school.

Chinese Language Association of Secondary-Elementary Schools (CLASS)
Goals of CLASS are: To actively promote the learning and teaching of Chinese in secondary and elementary schools in the United States; to encourage effective articulation among Chinese Language educators across the divides of elementary, secondary, and college level instruction; and to provide a national network for the exchange of information, ideas and curricular resources related to the teaching of Chinese language and culture in the United States.

The National Council of Japanese Language Teachers (NCJLT)
Members consist of K-12 teachers, learners of Japanese, and persons with a professional interest in the promotion of Japanese language and culture teaching in the U.S.


The National Centre for Language Teaching (CILT), UK, has a special section on early language section with a wide range of resources, publications, and a discussion forum.

Canadian Association of Second Language Teachers provides a trove of online resources, including early language learning and a special section on learning languages through music.

Updated December 13, 2013