Linda New Levine, Betty Ansin Smallwood, and Erin Flynn Haynes
Published by Center for Applied Linguistics
This professional development resource package was created for use in CALโs professional development workshops and institutes. CAL is making the professional development workbook and companion video available for sale to make these resources available as knowledge building, practical tools for educators. These resources provide a rich collection of information, activities, and strategies for teachers, schools, districts, principals, and administrators seeking to learn more about these critical topics. CAL recommends attending a CAL training which enhances the learning experience by providing additional information, context, and activities on the important topic of oral language development for English learners. Contact CAL to learn more about bringing a customized workshop to your location.
The workbook, designed for teachers of K-8 students, provides a wealth of information
about this important topic, including research foundations for listening and speaking and principles of instruction for English Learners; classroom conditions for oral language development; language proficiency levels; listening comprehension; strategies for promoting oral language development; Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts (listening and speaking), using story books, songs, chants, rap and jokes; academic vocabulary learning; and cooperative learning structures. One section also views the topic from the perspective of a classroom teacher. The workbook ends with activities for use beyond the workshop, a glossary of key terms and strategies, and a list of additional print and web-based resources.
New authentic classroom video clips illustrate the principles and practices presented in the workbook, with Video Observation Guides and activities that reinforce the learning. The video segments demonstrate principles of instruction for ELLs, teacher scaffolding for oral language output, academic language in a math class; jokes for vocabulary, comprehension, and fun; six steps to vocabulary mastery; and interactive reading aloud for oral language and vocabulary development with young ELLs (kindergarten).