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State Capacity Building

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Technical Working Group

CAELA has selected a Technical Work Group (TWG), a group of experts in the education of adults learning English as a second language. They will provide guidance to CAELA staff on information and technical assistance needs of adult ESL teachers, administrators, and professional development providers, including those in states with emerging ESL populations. The TWG also will provide guidance on establishing an infra-structure for training and technical assistance, and on development and dissemination of effective materials and resource collections. The first meeting of the TWG was January 13 and 14, 2005 at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washington, DC.

The following members comprise the TWG:

  • Sandra Belitza-Vazquez, Associate in Continuing Education
    New York State Department of Education
  • Patricia DeHesus-Lopez, Director of Adult Education, Family Literacy, and EL Civics
    Illinois Community College Board
  • Kathy Escamilla, University of Colorado at Boulder
    Boulder, CO
  • Miriam Kroeger, Adult Education Specialist
    Arizona Department of Education
  • Alberto Leyva, Director, Adult Education, Gwinnett Technical College, Lawrenceville, GA
  • Brigitte Marshall, Director, Oakland Adult Education
    Oakland, CA
  • Federico Salas-Isnardi, Assistant State Director
    Texas LEARNS