
STARTALK Excellent Language Program Evaluation

STARTALK Excellent Language Program Evaluation is an online STARTALK teacher program designed to give you an in-depth understanding of high-quality program evaluation. Through virtual synchronous and asynchronous learning opportunities, you will gain foundational knowledge about the purposes and uses of program evaluation, learn methods for collecting data, and ultimately design and implement your own mini program evaluations.

What is language program evaluation and why should I learn more about it?

Language program evaluation is the process of asking questions and gathering data about your language program. You might conduct a program evaluation because you want to better understand something, to help you make decisions for the future, or to demonstrate the value and impact of your program to others. Program evaluation is a powerful tool for ensuring that your language program is aligned with your goals and that your program is being implemented effectively!

What are the program dates and what will I do during the program?

The program comprises approximately 30 hours of pre-program online learning with synchronous components; a summer program with approximately 60 hours of instruction, including synchronous online meetings; and approximately 30 hours of post-program activities including online coaching.

Program activities will culminate in a hybrid program evaluation conference where you will present the results of your mini program evaluations to colleagues and other language educators.

The following schedule provides details about when each part of the program will take place:

Pre-program activities

  • Monday, April 10 – Friday, April 14 (Date/time TBD)
    • Launch meeting (1 hour; synchronous online meeting)
  • Monday, April 17 – Friday, May 19
    • Pre-program online course (5 weeks/26 hours; asynchronous online course)
  • Monday, May 1 – Friday, May 5 (Date/time TBD)
    • Pre-program webinar (3 hours; synchronous online meeting)

Summer program activities

  • Thursday, June 1 – Friday June, 2
    • Kick off summit (2 days/12 hours; synchronous online meeting)
  • Monday, June 5 – Friday, June 16
    • Online course: Part I (2 weeks/12 hours; asynchronous online course)
  • Monday, June 19 – Friday, June 23 (Date/time TBD)
    • Webinar (3 hours; synchronous online meeting)
  • Monday, June 26 – Friday, July 7
    • Online course: Part II (2 weeks/12 hours; asynchronous online course)
  • Thursday, July 13 – Friday, July 14
    • Program evaluation design summit (2 days/12 hours; synchronous online meeting)
  • Monday, July 17 – Friday, July 21
    • Online course: Part III (1 week/6 hours; asynchronous online course)

Post-program activities

  • September – December
    • Coaching sessions/independent work (24 hours; some synchronous online meetings)
  • Monday, October 16 – Friday, October 20 (Date/time TBD)
    • Webinar (3 hours; synchronous online meeting)
  • January 2024 (Date/time TBD)
    • Language Program Evaluation Conference (6 hours; synchronous hybrid meeting)

How much does the program cost?

The program and related materials are free for accepted applicants.

Who will be leading the program?

The program will be led by Dr. Meg Montee, who currently serves as the Director of Performance-based Language Assessment at CAL and the Director of Georgetown University’s Assessment and Evaluation Language Resource Center (AELRC), with support from CAL staff members with expertise in assessment and program evaluation.

Who can apply?

Participants who meet the following criteria can apply:

  • K-16 language teacher of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, or Russian
  • Works in the United States
  • Available for all program activities

What is my commitment as a participant?

As a participant we ask that you commit to completing all online quizzes and assignments, working collaboratively with other participants and instructors through discussion board activities and coaching sessions, and taking part in all synchronous webinars and meetings.

Will I receive a certificate or continuing education credits?

Yes! All participants that complete the program will receive a certificate of completion and 3 continuing education credits.


This conference is organized as part of CAL’s STARTALK Excellent Language Program Evaluation project. STARTALK Excellent Language Program Evaluation is an online STARTALK teacher program designed to give K-16 language teachers of Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Persian, and Russian an in-depth understanding of high-quality program evaluation.

This conference is the culminating event of the program, which included 30 hours of pre-program online learning with synchronous components; a summer program with 60 hours of instruction, including synchronous online meetings; and 30 hours of post-program activities including online coaching.

Program participants will present about their own mini program evaluations at the conference during the roundtable sessions.

What is the conference topic?

The conference will focus on world language program evaluation (i.e., the evaluation of programs in which students are taught languages other than English).

What is language program evaluation and why should I learn more about it?

Language program evaluation is the process of asking questions and gathering data about your language program. You might conduct a program evaluation because you want to better understand something, to help you make decisions for the future, or to demonstrate the value and impact of your program to others. Program evaluation is a powerful tool for ensuring that your language program is aligned with your goals and that your program is being implemented effectively!

Who should attend the conference?

World language educators in K-12 and higher education.

What is the cost of attending the conference?

The conference is free for attendees. Advanced registration is required.

What is the agenda for the conference?

Saturday, January 27, 2024

  • 9:30 – 10:00am: Check In & Breakfast
  • 10:00 – 10:15am: Welcome
  • 10:15 – 11:00am: Invited Talk
  • 11:00 – 11:15am: Coffee & Networking Break
  • 11:15 – 12:30pm: Roundtable Sessions
  • 12:30 – 1:45pm: Lunch & Networking Break
  • 1:45 – 2:30pm: Invited Talk
  • 2:30 – 2:50pm: Coffee & Networking Break
  • 2:50 – 3:35pm: Panel Discussion
  • 3:35 – 3:45pm: Closing Remarks

Please note that breakfast and lunch will be provided, and more detailed information about the speakers and topics for each presentation will be shared closer to the date of the conference.


STARTALK is a federal grant program managed and funded by the National Security Agency. STARTALK grants fund innovative programs with strong language learning outcomes for K-16 students in support of the STARTALK goals.

About the Project

Funder: National Security Agency
March 2023 – January 2024