IMPORTANT: The Ñandu electronic listserv was archived at 5:00 PM EST on Friday, August 4. The sign-up option will not be available after this date.

This electronic listserv focuses on early foreign language learning and provides community support and interaction.

Ñandu continues to be an active listserv addressing current topics and issues.

To read archived messages, click here.

Sign Up For Nandu
In 2009, about one in four elementary schools reported teaching foreign languages.
Read More
Strategies & Methodology

Click here for information on the latest in early language teaching methods.

Materials & Curricula

Discover a wealth of information on foreign language curricula and teaching materials.

Student Assessment

Find information on how to assess students' foreign language skills.

Benefits of Early Language Learning

Discover a stockpile of information on the many ways in which learning a foreign language early can benefit a child's development. Use this information to make informed decisions as a parent, to lobby for early foreign language in your town, or to put the doubts of concerned parents to rest.

Benefits of Being Bilingual
Read CAL's overview of the many advantages of learning a second language at an early age. Also, find information about language learning and the developing brain.

A Case for Early Language Learning
Read about the experiences of other schools that started language instruction early, and find resources on the benefits of early foreign language teaching for all children, as well as a brochure for parents.

Annotated Bibliographies
Discover research that supports the teaching of foreign languages in elementary school in our annotated bibliographies.

Looking to the Standards
The national foreign language standards consider the benefits of starting language learning early by looking at the big picture.


Updated December 13, 2013