Sample Set II-32: Techniques for Beginning Reading — A Lesson Plan

Class Beginning
Date _____________

Lesson Objective: Read a simple story.

Language Skills : Present tense verbs: have, say, look, read, study, help

Life Skills : Study strategies

  • "Mesud's Story," from Moss, D., Shank, C. C., & Terrill, L. (1997). Collaborations: English in Our Lives, Literacy Worktext. Boston: McGraw Hill. pp. 31-32.
  • Accompanying transparencies and tape (optional)
  • Conversation grid
  • Cloze activity
  • Tape recorder and overhead projector (OHP)
Stages of the Lesson:

Warm Up/Review

Review classroom objects


"Today we are going to read a story about a man named Mesud."

Presentation (Pre-reading activities)
  1. Show the transparency picture of Mesud on the OHP. Ask the students who he is and what they see.
  2. Have the students listen to the story on tape several times (or read it aloud to them).
  3. Ask questions about whether their predictions were right. Ask comprehension questions (e.g., What is Mesud studying? What does he look at? What does he say?).
Practice (Reading)
  1. Have the students open their books to "Mesud's Story" (p. 31).
  2. Have them listen to the tape of the story and read along (or read along with you).
  3. Have the students read the story silently.
  4. Have them circle any words they do not know. Write these words on the board and discuss them as a class.
(Post-reading activities)
  1. Ask the students, "Do you study at home?" and "What helps you learn English?"
  2. Hand out the conversation grid. Have the students get up and move around the room to talk to four other students to complete the grid.

Evaluation: Cloze activity