Evaluation: If the adult English language learner can successfully and happily participate, the activity has been successful. For example, in bingo learners are able to identify letters and numbers correctly, and in Jeopardy, they are able to ask questions.

Extension activities: Games like Concentration can be played alone at home for practice. Other games like Go Fish can be played with friends or family.

Sample II-29: Jeopardy Game (Intermediate and Advanced Levels)

Directions to the teacher: After you have written the grid below on the board, cover each box with a piece of paper that has a money designation (so that Cherries is covered with $100, Apples, $200, and so on until $500). Covering the items makes it "real" when the student says: "I want fruit for $300." It also ensures that students do not know which food item they will need to use in the sentence before they make their selection.

Sample "Jeopardy" Game Board
Fruit Vegetables Meat Dairy products Some or Any
cherries onion fish yogurt pasta
apples beans hot dogs milk turkey
fruit chili pepper beef butter green beans
orange potato chicken ice cream rice
banana squash sausage cheese hamburgers

Jeopardy style activity: This activity will be similar to the TV program. The contestants can choose an answer word from the board, and then must respond using a question form correctly. (If you are not familiar with the TV show, it might be helpful to watch, although this activity is just a rough approximation of the show.)

The board shown above gives students practice informing appropriate questions related to "How many," "how much," "some," "a little," "too much," and "a few," and count and non-count nouns.


  1. Correct question

    Host: Choose a category, (Contestant A).

    Contestant A: I'll take fruit for $100 (or may (or can) I have fruit for $100?)
    {fruit for $100 box is uncovered by host; it's cherries}

    Contestant A: Do we need some cherries?

    Judges: That's correct!

    Host: Good job; choose again, (Contestant A).