Sample II-20: Homework Form A

(See the sample lesson plan for general instructions.)

Directions: Read the form and answer the questions below about it.

Carter Elementary School

Weekly Homework Plan - Fifth Grade

Child's Name Catalina Gomez

Teacher Mr. Peepers

Students will: Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri.
  • read 20 minutes each night.
  • complete a math sheet (M-W-F).
X   X   X
  • complete a spelling activity (Monday-Thursday) and study for a quiz on Thursday night.
X X X X  
  • prepare a Science or History project once a month. Instructions will come home 2 weeks before the Friday it is due.
X X X X  
Parents: Please help your child every day. After finishing the homework each night, check the appropriate boxes. Return the folder each Friday. You can write any comments you have below.

Parent Comments Cati had trouble with the math on Wednesday. Can you explain how to subtract fractions again? Thank you.

Parent Signature Eliana Flores Gomez Date: Friday 9/17/04

  • What do the children have to do every day?
  • How often do they have a math worksheet?
  • How often do they create a special project?
  • What is Catalina having difficulty doing?
  • What does her mother ask the teacher to do?