
"Elementary school teachers often prepare weekly homework forms so parents can help their children with homework. Today we are going to learn how to read and fill out these forms."

Presentation (20 minutes)

  1. Play the video, scene 6 (Class has previously seen this during a lesson on permission slips and report cards). Ask the learners what Maria can do to help her daughter do better in school. Elicit the suggestion that she can review the weekly homework sheet.
  2. Show the Sample Homework Form A on the Overhead Projector. Have the learners read the form silently and note any words they don't know. Ask what words they noted and write them on the board. Have the learners discuss the meanings. Hand out copies of the form to the students. Then ask the following comprehension questions:
    • What do the children have to do every day?
    • How often do they have a math worksheet?
    • How often do they create a special project?
    • What is Catalina having difficulty doing?
    • What does her mother ask the teacher to do?

Practice (30 minutes)

  1. Have the learners open their books to page 49 of the textbook. Have them read the form silently and then work in pairs to answer the discussion questions on the page.
  2. Hand out Sample Homework Form B to each pair. Have them write questions about this form. Have them exchange papers with another pair and answer the questions that the pairs have written. Discuss as a whole group.
  3. As a whole group, have the learners list the homework assignments that their children usually have and write them on the board.
  4. In pairs, have the learners create a homework form for their children.

Evaluation (30 minutes)

  1. Ask the learners to bring their children's weekly homework forms to the next class and to prepare a short oral presentation that gives information about what their child needs to do for homework that week, how often, and any help needed from family members.
  2. During the presentations, evaluate each learner on the inclusion and accuracy of the information stated above.