Van Duzer, C., & Burt, M. (1999). A day in the life of the González family. Video and text for high beginning through intermediate adult English language learners, present experiences of the González family in situations that all immigrants may face, regardless of their language and cultural background (e.g., at work, with children's teachers, looking for work).

World Wide Web Resources

There are now many Web sites devoted to English language learning, although many of them are appropriate for learners at intermediate and higher levels. However, as more and more adult English language learners have access to computers in their homes or schools, using the Internet for real- life learning and problem solving may be more useful than just "ESL" Web sites. With or without the assistance of a teacher, tutor, or volunteer, learners can quite easily search for information about the community, work, health, or other topics of interest. Learners can work in pairs or small groups to search for information that is relevant to them (e.g., finding a good deal on a used car, looking for information about a health issue, learning about a holiday celebration, etc). As teachers look for Web sites that may be useful for the learners in their classes, they should remember the power of the Internet for project-based learning.'s Guide to English as a Second Language
Hosted by an English teacher in Tuscany, the site includes quizzes, vocabulary study pages, interactive polls, chat rooms, pen pal information, and a weekly e- mail newsletter. It also has pages of resources for Spanish speakers learning English and for teachers of English. Recommended for intermediate to advanced English language learners.

Activities for ESL Students
Numerous quizzes and puzzles for learners to complete and check on their own. Learners can choose from a variety of activities dealing with vocabulary building, phrasal verbs, slang, idioms, homonyms, and specific grammar points, such as articles and prepositions. The site was developed by the The Internet TESL Journal.

City Family Magazine Online
Originally a print publication targeting immigrants learning English, City Family Magazine is now online. Readers will find articles on a diversity of topics of interest to adults such as health, employment, money, fashion, travel, recipes, and relationships. There are links to translation tools and a dictionary available, as well as opportunities to post comments and engage in discussions with other readers. Most text tends to be at high beginning to intermediate reading levels.