Resources for Adult English Language Learners

Print Resources

There are many commercially produced materials for adult English language learners that students can use in class or at home. Learners and teachers often like these materials because they offer a way to structure classes and learning. However, some of the most effective resources are materials that learners find and need to use in real life from safety signs, telephone books and brochures for lower level learners to newspaper articles and non-simplified literature for the higher level learners. From these sources, teachers can find authentic print material that is relevant to their classes' level, needs, and goals.

Developing activities around such materials may be time-consuming, but teachers should consider developing such materials to at least supplement the use of commercial texts (if accessible to learners).

Textbooks are available for learners at all levels, from literacy to advanced. Some books are core texts (e.g., they include content and activities in the four skill areas: reading, writing, speaking, and listening); others concentrate on one or more skills or specific content—such as parenting or workplace. The list below is not exhaustive, but serves to show the breadth of the offerings. For reviews of many adult ESL materials, consult Silliman, A., & Tom, A. (2000). Practical resources for adult ESL. Burlingame, CA: ALTA Book Centers.

Boyd, F., & Numrich, C. (series editors). (1998). NorthStar. White Plains, NY: Pearson.

Gramer, M. F. (1994). Basic Oxford picture dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press

Moss, D., Shank, C., & Terrill, L. (1997). Collaborations: English in our lives: Literacy. Boston: Heinle & Heinle.

Newman, C. M. (1998). LifePrints: ESL for adults (series). Syracuse: New Readers Press.

Nishio, Y. W. (1998). Longman ESL Literacy (2nd Ed.) White Plains, NY: Pearson Education.

Shapiro, N., & Adelson-Goldstein, J. (1998). Oxford picture dictionary. New York: Oxford University Press.