National Reporting System (NRS) ESL functioning level descriptors
Outcome Measure Definitions
Literacy Level Speaking and Listening Basic Reading and Writing Functional and Workplace Skills
Beginning ESL Literacy
Test benchmark:
CASAS (all): 180 and below
SPL (Speaking) 0-1
SPL (Reading and Writing) 0-1
Oral BEST: 0-15
BEST Plus: 400 and below
Literacy BEST: 0-7
Individual cannot speak or understand English, or understands only isolated words or phrases. Individual has no or minimal reading or writing skills in any language. May have little or no comprehension of how print corresponds to spoken language and may have difficulty using a writing instrument. Individual functions minimally or not at all in English and can communicate only through gestures or a few isolated words, such as name and other personal information; may recognize only common signs or symbols (e.g., stop sign, product logos); can handle only very routine entry-level jobs that do not require oral or written communication in English. There is no knowledge or use of computers or technology.
Beginning ESL
Test benchmark:
CASAS (all): 181-200
SPL (Speaking) 2-3
SPL (Reading and Writing) 2-4
Oral BEST 16-41
BEST Plus: 401-438
Literacy BEST: 8-46
Individual can understand frequently used words in context and very simple phrases spoken slowly and with some repetition; there is little communicative output and only in the most routine situations; little or no control over basic grammar; survival needs can be communicated simply, and there is some understanding of simple questions. Individual can recognize, read and write numbers and letters, but has a limited understanding of connected prose and may need frequent re-reading; can write a limited number of basic sight words and familiar words and phrases; may also be able to write simple sentences or phrases, including very simple messages. Can write basic personal information. Narrative writing is disorganized and unclear; inconsistently uses simple punctuation (e.g., periods, commas, question marks); contains frequent errors in spelling. Individual functions with difficulty in situations related to immediate needs and in limited social situations; has some simple oral communication abilities using simple learned and repeated phrases; may need frequent repetition; can provide personal information on simple forms; can recognize common forms of print found in the home and environment, such as labels and product names; can handle routine entry level jobs that require only the most basic written or oral English communication and in which job tasks can be demonstrated. There is minimal knowledge or experience using computers or technology.
Low Intermediate ESL
Test benchmark:
CASAS (all): 201-210
SPL (Speaking) 4
SPL (Reading and Writing) 5
Oral BEST: 42-50
BEST Plus: 439-472
Literacy BEST: 47-53
Individual can understand simple learned phrases and limited new phrases containing familiar vocabulary spoken slowly with frequent repetition; can ask and respond to questions using such phrases; can express basic survival needs and participate in some routine social conversations, although with some difficulty; has some control of basic grammar. Individual can read simple material on familiar subjects and comprehend simple and compound sentences in single or linked paragraphs containing a familiar vocabulary; can write simple notes and messages on familiar situations, but lacks clarity and focus. Sentence structure lacks variety, but shows some control of basic grammar (e.g., present and past tense), and consistent use of punctuation (e.g., periods, capitalization). Individual can interpret simple directions and schedules, signs and maps; can fill out simple forms, but needs support on some documents that are not simplified; can handle routine entry level jobs that involve some written or oral English communication, but in which job tasks can be demonstrated. Individual can use simple computer programs and can perform a sequence of routine tasks given directions using technology (e.g., fax machine, computer).