Student Performance Level (SPL) descriptors
for listening and oral communication (continued)
  General Language Ability Listening Comprehension Oral Communication
Level 8 Can participate effectively in social and familiar work situations. A native English speaker not used to dealing with limited English speakers can communicate with a person at this level on almost all topics. Understands general conversation and conversation on technical subjects in own field. Understands without face-to-face contact (telephone, TV, radio); may have difficulty following rapid or colloquial speech. Understands most conversations between native speakers; may miss details if speech is very rapid or colloquial or if subject is unfamiliar. Participates effectively in practical and social conversation and in technical discussions in own field. Speaks fluently in both familiar and unfamiliar situations; can handle problem situations. Conveys and explains exact meaning of complex ideas. Good control of grammar.
Level 9 Can participate fluently and accurately in practical, social, and work situations. A native English speaker not used to dealing with limited English speakers can communicate easily with a person at this level. Understands almost all speech in any context. Occasionally confused by highly colloquial or regional speech. Approximates a native speaker's fluency and ability to convey own ideas precisely, even in unfamiliar situations. Speaks without effort. Excellent control of grammar with no apparent patterns of weakness.
Level 10 Ability equal to that of a native speaker of the same socioeconomic level. Equal to that of a native speaker of the same socioeconomic level. Equal to that of a native speaker of the same socioeconomic level.

Drawn from:

Grognet, A. G. (1997). Performance-based curricula and outcomes: The mainstream English language training project (MELT) Updated for the 1990s and beyond. Denver, CO: Spring Institute for International Studies.

Office of Refugee Resettlement (DHHS). (1985). Competency-based mainstream English language training project (MELT) resource package. Washington, DC: Author. (Alexandria, VA: ERIC Document Reproduction Service, No. ED 264 384, 232 pp.)