Arlington County, VA Spanish Partial-Immersion Program Rubrics for Writing and Speaking in English and Spanish for Grades 1-5 (1997)
Sample Tasks To Elicit Oral Language
- 20 questions
- interview a classmate
- interview a community helper
- interview a person asking biographical information
- do a survey
- calendar activities
- daily news/current events
- book discussion
- language experience- retelling
- be a "person" and speak to the class
- class debate
- Sequencing pictures and discussion
- show and tell
- puddle or math problems
- rhymes w/question and answer
- adapt jazz chants and songs
- share knowledge about exploration and experimentation
- book review
- advertisement
Dramatization and Role playing
- acting out stories/plays
- take a character and act it out
- act out your own story
- TV show
- be a reported and broadcast the news
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