Heritage Language Programs - Hindi

The Hudson Valley Hindi School

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Address: 20 Presidential Way Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Telephone: (845) 226-2542

Fax: (845) 227-2218

Web address: http://www.hudsonvalleyhindi.org

Contact person:

Name: Anchala Sobrin

Title: School Manager

Address: 20 Presidential Way Hopewell Junction, NY 12533

Email: sobrin@msn.com

Telephone: (845) 226-2542

Fax: (845) 227-2218

Levels: PreK-K, 1-5/6, 6/7-8, 9-12, and Adults

Languages/dialects taught: Hindi

Program Description

Purposes and goals of the program: Our goal is to offer instruction in reading, writing, and speaking Hindi with an emphasis on the conversational aspect.

Type of program: partial immersion, bilingual program, foreign language, content-based, and Saturday academy

Program origin: Individual volunteers started the program, with support from the World Hindi Foundation which helped the program grow and develop.


Parents’ expectations for the program: Parents want their children to learn to converse in Hindi.


Native Americans: 1%
First Generation Immigrants: 1%
Second Generation Immigrants: 75%
Third Generation Immigrants: 15%
Children of interethnic marriages: 8%
Children of interethnic adoptions: 1%

Total student enrollment: approximately 30 per year

How the program identifies heritage speakers: We consider heritage speakers to be those who have exposure to Hindi, its dialects, or the Indian culture at home.

How the program determines the language background and language proficiency of students: The majority of our students are young, elementary age children. We initially determine their background and proficiency by interviewing their parents. During the course of the school year, we use a variety of oral and written assessments to track their progress.

Percentage of students who complete the program: 80

Percentage of students who continue to study the heritage language after completing the program: 80

Possible reasons for student withdrawal: Relocation due to parents' jobs, or lack of time in their schedule as they enter High School; competition with other extracurricular activities and sports schedules


Number of instructors in the program: 6

Languages in which instructors are proficient: Hindi and English

Credentials: 17 (1-6) of our teachers hold a teacher certification. They hold certificates from the New York State Permanent Secondary in Mathematics and Physics. Teachers hold a BA in Hindi, Computers, Engineering, Physics, and Education. Teacher may also hold an MA in Education, Computers, and Engineering

Professional development opportunities instructors have: Hindi
Teaching Workshops

Professional development opportunities instructors need: Teaching workshops, Unit Plan and Lesson Plan Design, Materials Educational Philosophy, Classroom Management, and more.


Total contact hours per week: approximately 50 hours

Times per week: Once

Student grouping: By age and ability

Hours devoted to language teaching: 95 percent is devoted to language teaching

Hours devoted to culture teaching: 5 percent is devoted to culture and religion. (Much of our cultural and religious education occurs in the context of
language instruction).

Language skills

Skills developed by the program: Heritage language skills

Heritage language skills: Listening, Speaking, Reading, Listening, Writing and Conversation.

Levels of language proficiency reached by the end of the program: Based on ACTFL standards, most students reach the Intermediate level of oral proficiency.


Aspects of culture taught:
• Geography
• History
• Festivals
• Customs
• Traditions/beliefs
• Folktales
• Arts and crafts
• Songs
• Rhymes
• Social and cultural norms
• Cultural appropriateness
• Literature


Textbooks: We do not use any one textbook series, but create our own materials based on our needs. Lots of story books and readers from India are used as supplements.

Other materials used for instruction: Teacher created materials, worksheets, flashcards, etc.


Assessments used to evaluate students’ progress: Mid-term tests, Rinal exams, Teacher's observations, Performance-based tasks or assessment, ACFL OPI or MOPI,ACFL OPI or MOPI name: Upon completion of the program, we use an ACTFL based modified OPI interview to informally determine the student's level of proficiency.


Connections with other institutions: We have connections with universities and other heritage language programs.

Credit or recognition students receive: We are in the process of getting high school foreign language credit for our students.

How the program develops home/school connections or promotes parent involvement: Parents are always welcome, and often serve as substitutes
and volunteers for activities.

Opportunities for using the heritage language and developing cultural knowledge outside the program: Opportunities vary according to the students' family backgrounds. Students of Hindi speaking families have an advantage. Students receive venue and curriculum support. Teachers receive some funding for teacher training

Financial support the program receives f inancial support from:
• Religious organizations
• Foundations
• Tuition

Other support the program receives: Technology integration and professional development.

Solicitation of funding: The School Managers

Assistance or funding the program would like to receive: Networking with other teachers, professional development opportunities, sharing resources, and materials.

Challenges the program has experienced: Funding, Expectations of parents, Inconsistent enrollment due to conflicts, competition with other extracurricular activities and sports.

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