This electronic listserv focuses on early foreign language learning and provides community support and interaction.

Ñandu continues to be an active listserv addressing current topics and issues.

To read archived messages, click here.

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What is a listserv?

A listserv is an electronic mailing (e-mail) list or an automated way to send a message to a group of people. When you subscribe to an e-mail list, you can post messages to all the other subscribers by sending one message to the list. Likewise, you receive copies of all the messages sent by the other subscribers. Listservs are moderated by experts in the particular field on which the forum is focused. The moderator keeps discussion on target and makes sure that the basic guidelines for "netiquette," or electronic etiquette, are observed.

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Which listservs are related to early foreign language learning?
Ņandu is a listserv for foreign language teachers, school district personnel, superintendents, college and university teacher educators, and parents who are committed to improving early language programs by sharing information and expertise.
Join Ņandu today! Or read previous postings without joining.

FLTEACH - The Foreign Language Teaching Forum serves as a forum for communication among language teachers at all educational levels and across geographic boundaries. FLTEACH offers discussion of methods and access to specific teaching materials (handouts, activities, lesson plans, syllabi, software, etc.) as well as other resources. Visit the FLTEACH Web site for subscription information.


Updated 1/31/2006

Center for Applied Lunguistics