Promoting education and achievement of adults learning English
Past CAL Presentations
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL) 2011 Annual Convention and Exhibit
Denver Convention Center
March 25 -28, 2009
Denver, Colorado
Visit the convention website.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Using Data to Plan Professional Development for Adult ESL Programs
Identifying and prioritizing topics, materials, and follow-up activities for in-service training is indicative of a systematic approach to responding to teacher and student needs. Participants worked through a professional development planning process that analyzes data, targets areas of focus, measures teacher outcomes, and applies teacher knowledge in the classroom.
Presenter: Sarah Young
7:00 am – 8:45 am
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 109
Friday, March 27, 2009
Supporting Teacher and Learner Cultural Expectations in the Classroom
Adult language learners and their teachers often have different cultural expectations regarding classroom roles, identity, communication, and participation that affect their interactions. Participants used a case study approach to discuss a set of cultural issues that impact how teachers respond to certain learner behaviors in the classroom.
Presenter: Sarah Young
7:00 am – 7:45 am
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 711
Looking Ahead: Connecting Culture and Language in the U.S. Classroom
The U.S. student population is increasingly diverse, and issues of culture and language affect how teachers, administrators, and other service providers work with English language learners. Drawing on decades of experience addressing these issues, CAL provides information, tools, and practical tips to help practitioners offer instruction that is responsive to diverse student backgrounds. This session focused on the issues and challenges faced by newcomers to the United States � immigrants and refugees -- and practitioners working with them, bringing CAL's learning from both global and national perspectives. The presenters shared research-based methodologies, practices, and tools for working with English language learners in preK-12 classrooms and with adults in a variety of settings. Attendees increased their understanding of cultural issues in working with English language learners, learned about successful strategies and techniques, and received samples of tools that can inform their instruction.
Presenters: Joy Kreeft Peyton, Sanja Bebic, Miriam Burt, Sandra Gutierrez, Betty Ansin Smallwood
3:00 pm – 3:45 pm
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 601
Examining the Origins of Adult Immigrant Education
The presenter traced the development of adult immigrant education in the United States between 1880 - 1920 through a review of instructional, assessment, programmatic, and teacher training materials of the time. To inform future directions of our field, parallels were examined between immigration rates and characteristics of immigrant adults then and now.
Presenter: Sarah Young
4:00 pm – 4:45 pm
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 203
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Identifying Challenges and Building Capacity in Emerging ELL Communities
Many communities in the United States are forging new pathways as emerging English Language Learner communities, communities receiving new immigrant populations where none have existed before. What are the challenges? How do K-12 and adult educators build capacity and infrastructure to meet the needs of their new English language learners?
Presenters: Carolyn Adger, Miriam Burt, Cate Coburn, and Annette Zehler
10:00 am – 11:45 am
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 712
Future Directions for Adult ESL Instruction and Research
Presenters include Miriam Burt
3:00 9m – 5:45 pm
Building / Room: Convention Center / Room 607
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