Telling Time as an Everyday Use of Numbers (Phase I)

Hiroko Darnall, Thomas Dooley School, Schaumburg, IL


Program Background Unit Plan Lesson Plan Teaching the Lesson


Lesson Topic: Showing time on a clock and matching each class subject with its starting time.


Standards to Be Addressed

Illinois Learning Standards for Math

Illinois Learning Standards for Language Arts


Guiding Questions



Content Area Skills and Concepts


Language Skills (Oral)


Thinking/Study Skills





Whole Group Activity


Teaching/Learning Activities (35 minutes)

Whole Group Activity


Pair Activity


Whole Group Activity



Informal assessment through observation, such as when students work together in pairs to use estimation language to tell time, and when students use their own clocks to show the time specified by the teacher. Because this is a language-intensive math lesson, students’ understanding of the vocabulary will be key to their successfully answering questions from the teacher and participating with their partners. The teacher should also be sure to note students’ non-verbal behavior, i.e., how they move the hands on their personal clocks, to check for understanding.



Ask students to find out the times for their after-school activities, such as music lessons, sports practice, homework, and dinner. Send a note home to encourage parents to use estimated time for activities with their students, such as “you need to leave home about 4:00,” or “your dad will come home just after 10:00 tonight.”