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Past Event - NEH Summer Institute for Teachers of Spanish to Spanish Speakers

CAL collaborated with the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA), the Education Office of the Embassy of Spain, the American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP), and the Mexican Cultural Institute to address this need with a summer institute for middle and high school Spanish teachers who have Spanish-speaking students in their classes. This 6-week institute, offered with support from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH), was held on the UCLA campus in Los Angeles June 26-August 4, 2000.

National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)

University of California Los Angeles (UCLA)
Education Office of the Embassy of Spain
American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AATSP)
Mexican Cultural Institute

California State University, Office of the President
Heinle & Heinle
Holt, Rinehard, and Winston
McDougal Littell/Houghton Mifflin
WileyNonce Publishers

More and more, Spanish teachers in the United States have students from Spanish-speaking homes. These students might speak Spanish very well or only a little, but understand a great deal. They might know a lot about the culture of a Spanish speaking country, either from having lived in one or from experiences in the United States. However, although they may speak Spanish and have some familiarity with a Hispanic culture, such students may have limited experience with Spanish literature and academic material; writing in Spanish at high levels; and communicating in Spanish (orally and in writing) about literary, cultural, and other academic topics.

Spanish teachers need to be able to work effectively with these students to develop their Spanish proficiency and cultural knowledge. Teachers need a solid understanding of the Spanish-speaking students in this country and appropriate materials, instructional strategies, and assessments as well as contact with other teachers facing similar challenges.

Teachers had the opportunity to share their knowledge and experiences working with these students; study and interact with leaders in the field; and review and develop curricula, assessments, and instructional strategies.
Over the 6-week residency, they discussed the following topics:

  • Hispanic/Latino Cultures of the United States
  • Language Variation and U.S. Spanish
  • Cultural, Social, and Linguistic Processes in Second Language and Dialect Acquisition
  • Using the Internet for Instruction and Communication
  • Implementing Appropriate Assessment Principles
  • Reviewing, Critiquing, and Developing Instructional Materials and Strategies

Institute faculty and special lecturers included Drs. Concepción Valadez, Zenaida Aguirre-Muñoz, Russell Campbell, and Claudia Parodi-Lewin, UCLA; Barbara Merino, Francisco Alarcón, and Cecilia Colombi, UC Davis; Cecilia Rodríguez Pino, New Mexico State University; Ana Roca, Florida International University; Reynaldo Macías and Otto Santa Ana, César Chávez Instructional Center for Interdisciplinary Chicano and Chicana Studies, UCLA; José Franco, Franklin High School, Los Angeles; Maria Carreira, California State University, Long Beach; and Enrique Contreras, the Embassy of Spain's Los Angeles Education Center.

Visit the NEH website for information about upcoming summer institutes and application materials.

In The Spotlight

Women sitting outside

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