Heritage Language Spotlight: Czech
The Alliance periodically creates Heritage Language Spotlight web pages focused on select heritage languages. This month, we highlight the Czech language.
Czech is the national language of the Czech Republic and is spoken throughout the country - in regions known as Bohemia, Moravia, and Silesia - and by 12 million people worldwide. This west Slavonic language is very similar to other Slavic languages such as Slovak, Polish, and Sorbian.
• Read the Heritage Voice on the Czech language. 
• Read the Heritage Brief, Czech Language Programs and Czech as a Heritage Language in the United States. 
To learn more, visit the Czech language spotlight web page.
Online Resources
New Heritage Brief Now Available
Heritage Briefs are short papers on topics of interest in the field of heritage languages. Our collection provides short papers on topics of interest about heritage languages. Our most recent title is shown below and is available as a free downloadable PDF.
• French Heritage Language Schools in the United States 
Browse the full collection of Heritage Briefs.
Heritage Voices Collection: New Program Voice Now Available
This online collection of documents is designed to allow heritage language speakers and programs to share their unique voices. This month, the Alliance is pleased to highlight the heritage program voice: Spanish for Heritage Learners Program. Read the heritage voice.
Browse the collection.
The STARTALK Project Supports Education in Less Commonly Taught Languages
STARTALK is part of a presidential initiative to enhance the nation’s capacity to develop proficiency in critical languages.
Visit the STARTALK website to learn more about the STARTALK 2012 program year.
Publications of Interest
Chinese as a Heritage Language: Fostering Rooted World Citizenry Thirty-two scholars examine the sociocultural, cognitive-linguistic, and educational-institutional trajectories along which Chinese as a heritage language may be acquired, maintained, and developed. This volume will engage all those interested in the teaching and learning of Chinese, from teachers to parents to the students themselves. Learn more.
 Heritage Languages in America: Preserving a National Resource – PDF Now Available Heritage Languages in America outlines what needs to be done to help heritage language speakers develop their languages for use in academic and professional arenas. This publication is now available as a downloadable PDF for a small fee. Learn more.
Collaborate with the Alliance
The Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages is seeking to develop community among professionals working in heritage language education and research by providing information and resources of interest.
Bookmark the Alliance website to stay up-to-date with the latest information.
The Alliance News Flash is a quarterly online newsletter created for professionals working in the area of heritage language education, to create connections and to give updates on new developments and recent resources in the field. If you have suggestions for articles for the Alliance News Flash, for Alliance activities, and other ideas to create community, please email the Alliance at heritage@cal.org.
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