STARTALK Resource: Lists of Language-Specific Materials
STARTALK has compiled lists of language-specific materials including pedagogical articles, text and reference books, cultural and language-learning websites, authentic materials and media, professional organizations, and community and heritage organizations. These resource lists are available as PDFs for viewing and downloading. Learn more.
Visit the STARTALK website.
Online Resources
Heritage Language Spotlights
Heritage Language Spotlights are designed to provide information focused on specific heritage languages. Each spotlight includes an overview of the language and selections from our Heritage Voices Collection that feature a heritage language speaker or highlight a program from the Heritage Language Programs Database.
In this issue, we feature the Croatian language spotlight.
Heritage Voices: Language – Croatian
Croatian is the official national standard language in Croatia as well as in part of Bosnia-Herzegovina. The Croatian language has three principal dialects, each with a well developed literary tradition. Learn more about the Croatian language.
Heritage Voices: Program – Yuva Hindi Summer Camp
Learn about a ten-day, STARTALK educational youth summer camp held in Atlanta, Georgia. The aim of the host organization, Yuva Hindi Sansthan, is to revitalize and promote Hindi among youth in the United States. Read the program profile online.
In the News

As a courtesy to our readers, the Alliance periodically shares news items that are related to our work and mission. Please be aware that news links may change as news organizations move articles to archives on their websites.
The Board of Trustees of the Center for Applied Linguistics Issues Statement on the Critical Need for Foreign Language Education in the United States
Our nation’s capacity to maintain national security, promote international cooperation, compete effectively in a global economy, and enhance our domestic well-being depends on our ability to communicate effectively in other languages and across cultures. In response to the findings of CAL’s recent survey of foreign language education in U.S. schools, CAL’s Board of Trustees has issued a statement concerning the vital importance of foreign language education and calls on all stakeholders to work collaboratively to address this critical issue. Read the statement.
National Heritage Language Resource Center Receives Grant Renewal
The National Heritage Language Resource Center (NHLRC) has been funded for a second four-year grant by the U.S. Department of Education. The NHLRC, one of fifteen Title VI-funded National Language Resource Centers, is hosted by the UCLA Center for World Languages. The Center's mission is to develop effective approaches to teaching heritage language learners by creating a research base and pursuing curriculum design, materials development, and teacher education. Learn more.
ACTFL Position Statement on Language Learning for Heritage and Native Speakers
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) has posted online its position on language learning for heritage and native speakers. Read the statement.
Conference Update
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 2010 Annual Convention and World Languages Expo
November 19-21, 2010
Boston, MA
Join Alliance members at the following ACTFL 2010 presentations:
• Community-Based Heritage Language Programs in a Multilingual Society
• Heritage Languages in America: A Decade of Research and Beyond
• Heritage Languages in America: Current Field Development Initiatives
Learn more.
Collaborate with the Alliance
The Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages is seeking to develop community among professionals working in heritage language education and research by providing information and resources of interest.
Bookmark the Alliance website to stay up-to-date with the latest information.
The Alliance News Flash is a quarterly online newsletter created for professionals working in the area of heritage language education, to create connections and to give updates on new developments and recent resources in the field. If you have suggestions for articles for the Alliance News Flash, for Alliance activities, and other ideas to create community, please email the Alliance at
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