The STARTALK Resource Web site provides information on teaching and learning Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, Persian, Swahili, Turkish, and Urdu with a focus on implementing programs and sharing resources on curriculum design, instructional materials, assessment tools, and useful links. Information is designed for parents and students, teachers, current and future program directors, and consultants. In 2010 Dari and Russian will be added to the STARTALK languages with a focus only on teacher programs in Russian.
Visit the STARTALK Web site to learn more.
Funding for Heritage Language Programs
The Heritage Program Funding Guide was developed by the Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages to guide community-based heritage language programs in their efforts to seek funding. The process is designed for those with limited experience searching for and soliciting grant funding. Learn more.
New FAQs Available
What is the identity of a heritage language speaker?
This FAQ summarizes research on the connections between language and identity and describes the implications of these connections for heritage language speakers. Read the FAQ.
What are funding sources for community-based heritage language programs?
Community-based programs are often not connected with public or private schools and receive funding from other sources. This FAQ addresses sources of funding for these programs based on a review of programs in the Alliance programs database and the Foundation Directory Online. Read the FAQ.
For more information about the funding guide, read the Heritage Program Funding Guide.
Heritage Voices
The Alliance’s Heritage Voices Collection Continues to Expand
Our Heritage Voices collection, an online series, features languages spoken as heritage languages in the United States and heritage language programs. In this issue, we feature a French program profile and a French language profile. French, taught traditionally as a foreign language in U.S. schools, is now also being taught as a heritage language in some K-12 public schools and in collaboration with community associations.
Heritage Voices: Language – French
Worldwide, French is spoken as a first language by over 77 million people and as a heritage and second language by over 190 million people.
Learn more about the French language.
Heritage Voices: Program – French Heritage Language Program
Based in New York, the mission of the French Heritage Language Program is to support and develop the teaching and learning of the French language and the French-speaking cultures of newly immigrated students of Francophone background enrolled in U.S. public schools.
Download the program profile.
Visit the Online Collection of Heritage Language Program Profiles to view all the French heritage language programs in the database.
Conference Update
First International Conference on Heritage/Community Languages
February 19 – 21, 2010
Covel Commons, UCLA
Los Angeles, CA
This conference will assemble prominent scholars to present on a spectrum of issues pertaining to heritage language in communities and classrooms from levels K-16.
Plan to attend a presentation by Alliance members:
Developing and Maintaining Vital, Sustainable Heritage Languages in the United States
Researchers working on language revitalization and policy argue that three areas of activity are critical: Capacity Development, Opportunity Creation, and Attitude Improvement. Panelists discuss how these areas apply to different heritage languages in the United States (Spanish, Chinese, German, and Russian) and consider the contexts in which they are taught. Learn more.
Bookmark the conference Web site for further information and updates.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) 2009 Annual Convention
November 20–22, 2009
San Diego, CA
At this recent convention, Alliance representatives presented, Critical Components of Heritage Language Programs, which addressed three areas critical for the success of heritage language programs and U.S. language policy, with a focus on Spanish, Hindi, and Native American languages. Learn more.
Download the presentation. 
Collaborate with the Alliance
The Alliance for the Advancement of Heritage Languages is seeking to develop community among professionals working in heritage language education and research by providing information and resources of interest.
Bookmark the Alliance Web site to stay up-to-date with the latest information.
The Alliance News Flash is a quarterly online newsletter created for professionals working in the area of heritage language education, to create connections and to give updates on new developments and recent resources in the field. If you have suggestions for articles for the Alliance News Flash, for Alliance activities, and other ideas to create community, please email the Alliance at
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