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Alliance Advisors
The Alliance Advisors are leaders in the field and heritage language advocates committed to furthering the work of the Alliance. They serve as key advisors on issues such as vetting new initiatives or providing guidance for grant applications, and use their influence to network and promote awareness of the Alliance and its activities.
Provide association with, visibility for, and endorsement of the work of the Alliance because of their position and status in the field
Promote awareness of the Alliance through professional channels (e.g., at professional conferences and other venues)
Provide consultation from time to time to vet new initiatives or provide support for grant applications
Attend meetings as needed and when possible
Advisors for 2008-2011
(3-year term)
Marty Abbott
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
María Carreira
California State University,
Long Beach
Donna Christian
Senior Fellow, Center for Applied Linguistics
Jim Cummins
Modern Language Centre, Department of Curriculum, Teaching and Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education (OISE)
Jerry Hill
President, Indigenous Language Institute
Nancy Hornberger
Goldie Anna Professor of Education; Director, Educational Linguistics Program; Language and Literacy in Education Division; Graduate School of Education; University of Pennsylvania
Jerry Lampe
National Foreign Language Center
Debbie Robinson
President, National Council of State Supervisors for Languages (NCSSFL)
Nelleke Van Deusen-Scholl
Yale University
Guadalupe Valdés
Bonnie Katz Tenenbaum Professor of Education, Stanford University
Terrence (Terry) Wiley
President, Center for Applied Linguistics
Dr. María Carreira
Dr. María Carreira is a full professor in the Department of Romance, German, and Russian Languages and Literatures at California State University,
Long Beach, where she teaches Spanish linguistics and Spanish as a heritage language. Her research focuses on Spanish in the United States, Spanish as a global language, and teaching heritage languages. She is co-director of the National Heritage Language Resource Center, co-author of three Spanish textbooks (Nexos, 2008; Sí se puede, 2006; and Alianzas, 2010), and a member of the Spanish SAT Committee.
Dr. Donna Christian
Dr. Donna Christian is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Applied Linguistics
(CAL) in Washington, DC, where her research and writing focus
on language in education, including issues of second language
learning and dialect diversity. Dr. Christian was President of CAL from 1994 - 2010. Recent publications include Dialects
in Schools and Communities (Lawrence Erlbaum, 2007, co-authored
with Carolyn Adger and Walt Wolfram), Educating
English Language Learners: A Synthesis of Research Evidence (Cambridge University
Press, 2006, co-edited with Fred Genesee, Kathryn Lindholm-Leary,
and William Saunders), and Bilingual Education (TESOL, 2001,
co-edited with Fred Genesee). She serves on a number of boards,
including the editorial advisory boards of the Heritage
Language Journal and the International
Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, Board of Directors of The International Research
Foundation on English Language Education, and Advisory Board
of the Hispanic Family Literacy Institute.
Dr. Gerald (Jerry) Lampe
Dr. Gerald (Jerry) Lampe holds a Ph.D. in International Relations, with emphasis on Islamic Studies, U.S. foreign policy, and international law and organization from the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS), Washington, D.C. Studying various languages and cultures is a life-long pastime and he has maintained full proficiency in two languages: Arabic (Classical, Modern Standard, and most major dialects) and French. Dr. Lampe is a Senior Academic Advisor to the Arabic Overseas Flagship Programs, the American Councils for International Education, and the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC).
He is also the Co-Chair of the Culture Guidelines Sub-Committee, Interagency Language Roundtable (ILR) and a Board Member/Advisor to the American Association of Teachers of Arabic, AmidEast, Arabic Distance Learning Network, Arab Academy, Arabic Flagship Academic Council, Arabic Testing Consensus Project, Defense Language Office, HADI, National Capital Council of Language Resource Centers, National Council of Less Commonly Taught Languages, USDA Graduate School, US Department of State, National Virtual Translation Center, US Department of Education, American Council on Education, Tangier American Legation Institute, the American Institute for Maghreb Studies, Coalition of Distinguished Language Centers, and the Association of International Practical Training.
He is former President of the American Association of Teachers of Arabic (2004-2006), previous Deputy Director at the National Foreign Language Center (NFLC), and a major contributor to Recognizing Dialects, an Arabic, multimedia job aid and dialect resource. Among other accomplishments, he has taught Arab Culture and History of the Middle East.
Dr. Terry Wiley
Dr. Terry Wiley is President of the Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) in Washington, DC. Prior to joining CAL, Dr. Wiley was executive dean of the Mary Lou Fulton Institute and Graduate School of Education at Arizona State University. Dr. Wiley received his Ph.D. in education, with an emphasis in linguistics, from the University of Southern California. He also holds master’s degrees in linguistics and Asian studies and a bachelor’s degree in history. Dr. Wiley’s teaching and research have focused on language policy, literacy and biliteracy, language and immigration, bilingual education and bilingualism, heritage and community language education, English and globalization, and English as a second and international language. His scholarly articles and reviews have appeared in numerous journals.
His recent books include The Education of Language Minority Immigrants in the United States and Literacy and Language Diversity in the United States. His editorial service includes co-founding and co-editing the Journal of Language, Identity, and Education and the International Multilingual Research Journal. He has guest-edited and served on the editorial boards of numerous other journals. His international collaborations and lectures have included work with universities on six continents.