Sample Activity Worksheet: Negative Prefixes

Directions: Find the word in the box that has the same meaning as the underlined words in the sentences. Rewrite each sentence using the correct word from the box to replace the underline words in the sentences. Then, cross out each word as you use it in a sentence. The first sentence has been done for you.

irresponsible unsafe undecided illegalimpolite
  1. It is against the law to use firecrackers in Washington, DC.
    It is illegal to use firecrackers in Washington, DC.
  2. It is dangerous to smoke while filling your car with gasoline.
  3. It is bad manners to cough without covering your mouth.
  4. Many voters are not sure yet about which candidate they will support.
  5. Many people think that teenagers are not dependable.

Activity for Teaching Suffixes: Intermediate and Advanced Levels

It is important to teach word suffixes as well. Suffixes change the part of speech of a word. By teaching suffixes, teachers can increase learners' vocabularies both in depth and breadth. The following activity is one way to teach suffixes.

  1. Present the following short passage:

    I felt bad when my daughter forgot my birthday. Then I remembered that teenagers are often thoughtless.

    (Optimally the passage should be taken from students' reading or from conversations you have had in class, which contains a word with the -less suffix).
  2. Explain that the underlined part of the word is called a suffix because it comes at the end of the word. A suffix changes the part of speech of the word. Sometimes the suffix also changes the meaning of the word. In the passage above the suffix less has been added to the noun thought. The new word, thoughtless, is an adjective. It means "without thought, especially for other people."
  3. Hand out the Using the Suffix -less worksheet that follows.
  4. Read the words at the top of the worksheet and go over their pronunciation and meaning orally with the students.
  5. Have the students complete the worksheet individually and then check their answers with another student.
  6. Go over the worksheet orally with the students.