1. Point to the left side of the paper and say, "This is left." Repeat "left" several times. Have the students repeat after you.
  2. Point to the right side of the paper and say, "This is right." Repeat "right" several times. Have the students repeat after you.
  3. Give each student a piece of paper. Say, "left" and have the students point to the left side of the paper. Repeat with "right," "top," and "bottom."
  4. Mount a piece of paper on the wall. Draw a line from left to right across the top of the paper. Have the students do the same on their own papers. Draw several more lines from left to right. Have the students do the same. Check to make sure they are drawing the lines from left to right.
  5. Draw a line from the top to the bottom of the paper. Have the students do the same on their own papers. Draw several more lines from top to bottom. Have the students do the same. Check to make sure they are drawing the lines from top to bottom.

Copying shapes and patterns

  1. Mount a piece of paper from a flip chart on the wall, or draw a large rectangle on the board.
  2. Draw an "X" in the upper left corner by making the first stroke from top left to bottom right and the second stroke from top right to bottom left.
  3. Give each student a piece of paper and have them copy the "X."
  4. Have them make several more Xs across the paper from left to right.
  5. Mount another piece of paper (or draw another rectangle).
  6. Draw an "O" counterclockwise.
  7. Give each student another piece of paper and have them copy the "O."
  8. Have them make several more Os across the paper from left to right.
  9. Draw a pattern of Xs and Os (e.g., three Xs, two Os, and three Xs). Have the students copy the pattern on their own papers. Repeat with several different patterns.
  10. As students learn to form the letters of the alphabet, this type of activity may be repeated with the letters they are learning.