Sample II-27: Two-Way Information Gap Activity (Intermediate Level)

Student A:

Read the story to your partner. When you find a blank _______, ask your partner for help.

The Pilgrims came from (1) ___________. They came on the ship, the Mayflower, in the winter of (2) ________. Before these immigrants landed on shore at Plymouth Rock, they signed a document to form a simple government called the (3) _________________________.

Listen to the story. Help your partner with words on the list.

  1. Atlantic Ocean

  2. Squanto

  3. Massasoit

Now take turns reading the entire story.

Student B:

Listen to the story. Help your partner with words on the list.

  1. England

  2. 1620

  3. The Mayflower Compact

Read the story to your partner. When you find a blank _______, ask your partner for help.

The Pilgrims had a difficult time because many were sick from crossing the (1) _____________, the weather was very cold, and they had only a little food. Native Americans including (2) ____________ and (3)____________ helped the immigrants by giving them food and advice.

Now take turns reading the entire story.

(Adapted from the REEP ESL Curriculum for Adults at
and used with permission.)