Sample II-12: Beginning Level Diary/Journal

Purpose: To help students become aware of their daily use of English.

Process: Give this form to the students. Display the handout on an overhead transparency. As a large group activity, walk through the handout, offering suggestions and asking for examples from the students. Have students work on their handout individually, in pairs, or in small groups.

Complete the follow statements:

Today I learned ________________________________________________________________.

Today I read ____________________________ in English.

Today I spoke English to _________________________________________________________.

Today I wanted to speak English when ______________________________________________.

Today I learned some new words. They are __________________________________________.

Tomorrow I am going to __________________________________________to practice English.

(Adapted from Marshall, 2002. Used with permission.)

Sample II-13: Intermediate Level Timelines

Purpose: Students may use timelines to reflect on elements of their past and present lives and to express needs and goals for the present and future.

Process: High points on the timeline mark important points and goals met. The low points mark difficult times or unmet goals. To support students in creating timelines use the following process:

  • Brainstorm words and phrases and write them on the board (e.g., came here in 1992; married in 1993; started school in 2003; my son is an honor student).
  • Show a model of your own timeline.
  • Provide magazines, scissors, markers or crayons, and glue sticks for students to use to design and illustrate their timelines.
  • When students have finished their timelines, have them ask and answer questions about each other's timelines (e.g., When did you come to the United States? What do you want to do in the future?).

Share the sample on the next page as a model for learners.