Sample II-5: Intermediate Level Can-Do List for Self Assessment

Directions: Put a check mark (graphic of check mark) in the box that best describes you. Put only one check for each row.

Here's what I can do. I can do this. No problem. I do OK most of the time, except when things are complicated. This is a little difficult for me, but I can do it with some help from others. This is very difficult for me. I can only do it with a lot of help from others. I can't do this. No way. It's much too difficult.
Talk about my country and my city with a friend or neighbor          
Ask for directions on the street or ask where something is in a store          
Ask someone to speak more slowly or to say things in a different way          
Fill out a form (name, birthdate, address, phone)          
Explain about myself and my work in a job interview          
Understand the notes that my child’s teacher sends from school          
Figure out my phone bill or electricity bill          
Explain to the doctor in detail what’s wrong          
Pick a story in the newspaper and read it          
Understand the news on TV          

(Adapted from Holt & Van Duzer, 2000. Used with permission.)