LINCS/National Institute for Literacy (NIFL)
The national LINCS (Literacy Information and Communication System) site is a project of the National Institute for Literacy (NIFL). It includes policy updates, grant and funding announcements, a calendar of events, and information about NIFL-sponsored literacy discussion lists including lists discussing family literacy and adult ESL. America's Literacy Directory, a searchable database that can be used to find adult education and adult ESL programs around the nation, can also be accessed here. Finally, the Special Collections of LINCS have excellent resources for working with English language learners.

Massachusetts Adult ESOL Curriculum Framework This is a draft document of the framework for a statewide adult ESOL curriculum. It outlines the core concepts and seven guiding principles behind the framework, as well as the five principle strands for instruction and learning, and the specific learning standards (skills and kno wledge) related to each.

National Reporting System for Adult Education This is the primary Web site for information on the National Reporting System, an outcome-based reporting system for state-administered, federally funded adult education programs. The site includes background on the NRS' outcome measures and uniform data collection system; current developments in the system; publications; and access to training on the system (software, online modules, print materials, etc.) including the NRS Online Training System Available at

Outreach and Technical Assistance Network (OTAN) Provides a gateway to electronic resources and information on all aspects of adult education, including adult ESL. Full-text documents, opportunities for online networking and training, and links to other Web-based resources are available. You can also register to be notified regularly of new materials related to your area(s) of interest. (While the site has been specifically designed to support practitioners and others in California, the resources are of wide interest.

Tennessee Adult ESOL Curriculum Resource Book
This online document defines the language, EL/Civics, and workplace competencies for six adult ESOL levels recognized by the state of Tennessee. It provides descriptions of student learning plans, as well as appendices on materials and resources, samples of student portfolio sheets, and general information and guidelines for new teachers. Other locally produced materials for adult ESOL are available at