[English/Spanish] Reading Tips For Parents and Consejos practicos para los padres sobre la lectura [Revised-2003]. Provides tips for parents to help children be ready to read and ready to learn. This brochure gives advice to parents about how to know a good early reading program, how to put simple strategies for creating strong readers into action, and how to practice the five essential components of good reading.

[English/Spanish] Ten Facts Every Parent Should Know About The No Child Left Behind Act and Diez datos que cada padre debe saber sobre la ley que ningú n niño se quede atrá s. Provides ten facts that every parent should know about how this historic law helps their children. This multi- fold brochure is printed in English on one side and Spanish on the other. It also provides resources for obtaining more information and publications.

[English/Spanish] Tips For Parents On Keeping Children Drug Free and Consejos para los padres sobre como mantener a los hijos libres de la droga. While not available in hard copy, this publication is available and downloadable from the Ed Pubs Web site, http://www.ed.gov/about/pubs/intro/index.html.

Popular Web Sites for Parents & Practitioners

Family Literacy Special Collection of the National Institute for Literacy offers an annotated list of Web sites that teachers can use to help parents develop positive parenting skills. http://literacy.kent.edu/Midwest/FamilyLit/pract_parented.html

FirstGov.gov for Parents. Here you'll find lots of parenting tip sheets for parents with children of all ages. http://www.firstgov.gov/Topics/Parents.shtml

About.com has several sections worthy of visiting. Parenting & Family offers links to pages of informatio n on children's books, family Internet, baby products, day care and preschool, fatherhood and frugal living. http://home.about.com/parenting/

Connect for Kids provides the latest information on supporting children's language and literacy development. It contains age-appropriate activities for children, the latest information for parents and teachers, and news articles parents and teachers can use to support learning. http://www.connectforkids.org/

Education Trust offers new Web resources for Latino parents, community leaders and advocates. The Education Trust has launched its Spanish-language Web site featuring reports and resources for Spanish-speaking parents, community leaders and advocates. http://www2.edtrust.org/EdTrust/spanish.htm

Family Education is an interactive site with information on health, child development, behavior, and family issues. The site is divided into age groups: Pre-K - 2, 3 - 5, and 6 - 12; and addresses school, entertainment and life issues. http://fen.com/