Additional Resources

Cultural Orientation Resource Center. The Culture Profiles series, developed by the Center for Applied Linguistics, is available at Culture Profilesprovide concise, informative introductions to the cultural background of refugee populations. Profiles available online include Muslim Refugees, Somali Bantu, The Afghans, The Iraqis, The Haitians, and The Bosnians.

EL Civics "How to" Manual. Bronx Community College English Literacy and Civic Understanding Demonstration Grant (funded by the U.S. Department of Education, Office of Vocational and Adult Education).

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services and the Office of Vocational and Adult Education published a guidebook called Welcome to the United States: A Guide for New Immigrants to facilitate the adjustment of new immigrants to life in America. A lawful permanent resident can use the guide to find out about their rights and responsibilities as a new immigrant; understand how our federal, state, and local governments work; and learn about important historical events that have shaped the United States. The guide includes basic information on civic principles, as well as practical information, such as how to obtain a Social Security Number, how to get help in preparing your taxes, and how to enroll your child in school. It also provides resources that are available to help immigrants get the essential services they need.


Holt, G. M. (1995). Teaching low-level adult ESL learners. ERIC Digest. Retrieved July 30, 2004, from,

Nixon, T., & Keenan, F. (1997). Citizenship preparation for adult ESL learners. Retrieved April 29, 2004, from

Proliteracy Worldwide and the National Center for Family Literacy. (2004). Citizenship:Teaching U.S. civics for the exam. Retrieved April 29, 2004, from

Silliman, A. (1997). Teaching for citizenship. Hands-on English, 6, (6), pp. 4-5. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. (2004). Retrieved April 29, 2004, from

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. (2004). A guide to naturalization. Retrieved May 7, 2004, from

U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services, & Office of Vocational and Adult Education. (2004). Welcome to the United States: A guide for new immigrants [prepublication copy]. Washington, DC: Author. Available at

U.S. Immigration Information. Retrieved July 30, 2004 from